Orientation #1: September 3 6 p.m. PDR B & C WELCOME! February 28-March 11, 2016
Israel: Caesarea Maritima
Israel: Jerusalem
Israel: Bethlehem (Nativity)
Israel: The Galilee
Israel: Masada
Israel: Qumran Caves
Jordan: Mt. Nebo
Jordan: Madaba Mosaic-Jerusalem
Jordan: Petra
Due Dates and Forms mvnu.edu/bibletrips/forms.asp mvnu.edu/bibletrips/forms.asp 9/1/2015: $500 Deposit Due and Enrollment Form 10/15/2015: ½ of payment due 11/12/2015 (orientation #2): Rest of payment due Medical Release Form Assumption of Risk and Release Form Permission to Release Information Form Certificate showing completion of Preventing Sexual Harassment Training and Test. 12/1/2015: Two (2) copies of passport 2/28/2015: Leave for Israel and Jordan!
Websites to review and Roommates: State Department reports: Israel: Jordan: Travel Health Notices: Israel: Jordan: ttp://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/jordan.htm#noticesttp://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/jordan.htm#notices Roommate List: Please Update Baptism in the Jordan? (Cost: approx. $13 for rental robe & towel, access to the changing facility, and the baptismal certificate)
Making sure of Classes Life & Teachings of Jesus: (Grad & Undergrad) Dr. Jeanne Serrao Eighth Century Prophets: (Undergrad) Staff Senior Colloquium: Mr. Carlos M. Serrao Global Diversity/Intercultural Understanding: Dr. Doug Kennard Narrative of Scripture/History & Culture: Dr. Jane Kennard
Q&A Time All your forms, PowerPoints, and other information are online at: Orientation #2 on Thu., Nov. 12