International Organizations 1914-Present
The UN The United Nations Est (New York) Roles: provide forum for international diplomacy provide relief in times of crisis intervene in times of hostility
The World Bank Est (Washington, DC) Roles: provide financial resource for major national projects focuses on “needy countries” (works with IMF) can freeze assets for “violator nations”
The IMF The International Monetary Fund Est (Washington, DC) Roles: provide financial resource & economic direction for struggling economies can force restructuring of economic policy in borrowing nations
GATT/WTO General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade/World Trade Organization Est. 1945/1995 (Geneva, SUI) Roles: governs globally agreed- upon trade rules Promotes free international trade
The G-8 “Giant-8” Est. US, JPN, GER, GBR, FRA, ITA, CAN, RUS, the EU Roles: not a true international org. discuss issues of production, trade, resources, & the environment
The Red Cross The International Red Cross & Red Crescent Est (Geneva, SUI) Roles: provide relief for victims of war, famine, plague, & natural disaster coordinates efforts with local Red Cross agencies
The WHO The World Health Organization Est (Geneva, SUI) Roles: UN agency—provide intervention, education, vaccination and relief on world health issues Highly involved in controlling infectious disease & health in Developing World
International Justice International Court of Justice & Interpol Est (The Hague, HOL) Roles: Regulates disputes of International Law (esp. maritime law) Coordinates efforts with UN & national security agencies
The EU The European Union (EU) Est (Brussels, BEL) Roles: 15 members, 13 candidates Economic bloc turned into virtual “United States of Europe” Common econ. goals, currency, citizenship, regulatory policies