Data Activities at NSIDC DAAC September April 2001 Mark Parsons 25 April 2001
26 April 2001 PoDAG XVIII Data Set Review Board reorganized n Only department heads are standing members n Now considers all tasks not just data sets n Focus is on day-to-day coordination n DAAC priorities set by DAAC leads n I still maintain data set calendar. Other procedures and tools being worked.
26 April 2001 PoDAG XVIII Ice Thickness Grid of Greenland n Item: Bamber 5km DEM and bedrock model replaces planned thickness grid from Eckholm n Estimated Cost: 3 weeks FTE n Lead: Jason Wolfe n Priority: med n Available: Feb 01
26 April 2001 PoDAG XVIII Sea Ice Page n Item: version 1: – compare and contrast 25 sea ice data sets (DAAC and other) – reference to other sea ice data – explain available tools n Estimated Cost: 7 weeks FTE n Lead: Mark Parsons n Priority: hi n Available: April 01 ( n Issues: updates may include climatologies, maps, near real time snapshots, etc.
26 April 2001 PoDAG XVIII Snowmelt Onset over Arctic Sea Ice n Item: Based on Mark Anderson algorithm n Estimated cost: minimal (mostly done by Maslanik Post doc) n Lead: Jim Maslanik n Priority: med. n Available: May 01 n Issues: Combining with melt over ice sheets and melt over land products.
26 April 2001 PoDAG XVIII PARCA n Item: Data “jump page” summarizing and pointing to PI-run data sites. n Estimated Cost: 3 Weeks FTE n Lead: Mark Parsons n Priority: med. n Available: April 01
26 April 2001 PoDAG XVIII RAMP Mosaic n Item: – Proposal submitted to Abdalati in response to request by Jezek. – Distribute all resolutions of version 2 of the mosaic – Build on existing RAMP web site n Estimated cost: $20,000 n Lead: Ted Scambos n Priority: hi if funded n Available: TBD n Issues: funding; determining “approved investigators;” relationship with ASF
26 April 2001 PoDAG XVIII AVHRR 25 km n Item: Make the existing 25km browse for the 1.25 km product an official product n Estimated Cost: 1 week FTE (or less) n Lead: Ted Scambos n Priority: med n Available: May 01 n Issues: Clarifying all the different AVHRR products and ordering options—an AVHRR “jump page”.
26 April 2001 PoDAG XVIII Other items n Polar Stereo products now led by Stroeve replacing Maslanik n Approach to level 0 documentation (AMSR, GLAS): basically DIF and references and restrict distribution n Update to RAMP DEM n AMASS/Timberwolf data quality issues
26 April 2001 PoDAG XVIII Products released since Sept n MODIS/Terra Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 500m ISIN Grid n MODIS/Terra Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 500m ISIN Grid n MODIS/Terra Snow Cover L2 Swath 500m n AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Twice-Daily 5 km EASE- Grid Composites n AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Twice-daily 1.25-km EASE- Grid Composites n Ancillary SSM/I Data: Ice Extent and Covered Area, Ice Persistence, and Missing Ocean Pixels
26 April 2001 PoDAG XVIII Products released since Sept n Greenland 5 km DEM, Ice Thickness, and Bedrock Elevation Grids n MODIS/Terra Sea Ice Extent L2 Swath 1km n Sea Ice Theme Page (phase 1) ( n International Programme for Antarctic Buoys Data n AVHRR Jump Page ( n PARCA page