Marble Ramp Lab Activity 7 th Grade Science
Purpose of Lab Activity O To practice working in a group to accomplish a given task O To practice problem solving skills (Hagel, 2011)
Materials and Procedure O Materials O 1 sheet of newspaper O 1 meter of masking tape O Marble O Pair of scissors O Meter stick O Procedure O Using only the newspaper and masking tape, build a ramp that: O Is at least 25 cm in height and freestanding O Carries marble entire length of ramp without being touched after it is released O Causes marble to change directions once (at least) O Stops marble at the end of the ramp O Cannot use scissors or meter stick as part of the ramp and you will not be given extra supplies (once you use it up, it’s gone!)
Conclusion Questions In complete sentences, answer the following conclusion questions. If I can’t read your answer, you will receive zero credit for that answer. 1. How did working in a group make this activity easier to accomplish than if you had worked alone? (Give two examples) 2. How did working in a group make this activity harder to accomplish than if you had worked alone? (Give two examples) 3. List 5 things that you can do make group work productive (for future lab activities).
Scoring Guide O Participation O 10 points for working together as team O 10: stays on task, positively contributes to group, gives “A” effort O 8-9: stays on task, positively contributes to group, gives “B” effort O 6-7: mostly stays on task, positively contributes to group, gives “C” effort O 4-5: needs several reminders to stay on task, doesn’t always positively contribute to group, gives “C” effort O 2-3 needs several reminders to stay on task, doesn’t always positively contribute to group, gives “D” effort O 0-1: doesn’t stay on task at all, does not contribute to group, gives little to no effort O Conclusion Questions O 10 points 1. 2 points (gives two examples) 2. 2 points (gives two examples) 3. 5 points (one point for each example O 1 point for writing in complete sentences
Works Cited O Lab Activity (adapted from) O Poarch, M. Marble Ramp [Word document]. Retrieved from Teamwork Activities & Labs Online Website: O Images O Hagel, Denny. (2011, May 29). 3 top tips for raising co-operative kids. Retrieved from raising-cooperative-kids raising-cooperative-kids O Microsoft Office Clip Art