European Topic Centre on Resource and Waste Management Under contract with the European Environment Agency Rikke Carlsen, M.Sc. Deputy ETC Manager
2 Outline of presentation background – what is a Topic Centre? who is the Topic Centre? objective? EEA and Eionet what is the Topic Centre working with? – projects for 2005
3 What is a Topic Centre? are consortia of national institutions work under contract with the European Environment Agency (EEA) assist within a particular topic established in 1997 as the European Topic Centre on Waste contract
4 Who is the Topic Centre? Italian EPA Danish EPA Wuppertal Institute Regional Environmental Center Austrian EPA Environment Agency for England and Wales Estonian Environment Information Centre
5 What are the resources? staff: 9 full time in Copenhagen 11 part time with partners annual budget: EUR 800,000 (incl. 10% national contribution)
6 European Environment Agency ‘The EEA aims to support sustainable development and help to achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe’s environment through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to the policy making agents and the public’
7 Eionet
8 Work programme 2005 Work area 1: Data collection, processing and data management Work area 2: Indicators and fact sheets Work area 3: Support to policy processes Work area 4: Policy analysis and assessment Work area 5: Knowledge sharing Work area 6: Support to member countries and the EEA
9 Work area 1 Data collection, processing and data management data from Eurostat and DGEnv Regulation on Waste Statistics Cooperation with Eurostat and DGEnv – Overlapping reporting obligations
10 Work area 2 Indicators and fact sheets EEA core set of indicators (37) Topic Centre indicators – municipal waste – packaging waste – (domestic material consumption (DMC))
11 Recycling of packaging waste by country, 2002
12 Municipal waste treatment at country level
13 Work area 3 Support to policy processes Emissions from waste treatment Development of reporting format for IPP Contribution to GHG workshop (EEA) Chemicals Information System
14 Work area 4 Policy analysis and assessment: Use of economic instruments in resource policies Assessment of effect of present EU legislation - towards increased prevention, recycling and recovery?
15 Work area 5 Knowledge sharing Wastebase Success stories (waste prevention)
16 Work area 6 Support to member countries and the EEA: Support to West Balkan (CARDS) Eionet – newsletter – annual Eionet workshop (21-22 Nov. 2005)
17 Summing-up what is a topic centre connection to the EEA and the Eionet what we are working with