Poor Waste Management By: Kelli Cordell
Rome Sewers There was 43 pumping stations. About 400 miles of sewer mains. The Roman Water Reclamation facility has the capacity to treat 36 million gallons of wastewater per day.
U.S.A. Sewers There is so much drainage in Ohio it could reach the moon. If people have poor drainage it could lead to basement flooding, wood rotting, and ponding in lawns. Poor waste management for farmers could lead to delayed harvesting or not time to replant seeds.
Other Problems People have been throwing away things that could not be good for the environment. Such has diamonds and others valuables. Throwing away plastic can harms animals such as sea turtles.
Rumpke Answers They have found many odd things such as winning lottery tickets to died circus elephants. Rumpke has protective liners and once the garbage is full they place a lid like thing is places over. Think of it as a giant Ziploc where nothing can get in or out.
The Problems Trash going in to water ways. Not clean drinking water. Flooding in places Killing of many animals Dumping
How to fix this… Have sewers with filters in them. Allow only water to get threw. Limit places were waste and others things can get threw.
Bibliography "Sewer History: Photos and Graphics." The History of Sanitary Sewers. Web. 11 Feb Georgia, Rome. "Rome City." Rome Georgia, Floyd County Joint Website Home. Web. 11 Feb City/tabid/296/Default.aspx. Solid, Division Of, and Infectious Waste Management. "Ohio EPA Division of Solid and Infectious Waste Management." Ohio EPA Home. Web. 11 Feb state.oh.us/dsiwm.