Length is the measurement of distance between two points.
You can use a ruler to measure the length of objects to the nearest half inch or quarter inch.
Customary Units of Length The units of length most often used in the U.S. are the inch, foot, yard, and mile.
1 foot (ft) = 12 inches (in.)
Tommy is 4ft tall. How many inches tall is Tommy?
Sally is 36 in. tall. How many feet tall is Sally?
Mr. Schupbach is 6’4” tall. How many inches tall is Mr. Schupbach?
1 yard (yd) = 3 feet (ft)
A basketball court is 84 feet long. How many yards is the basketball court?
The football player ran 19 yd. How many inches did he run?
1 mile (mi) = 5,280 feet (ft)
It is 10 miles from Williamsburg to Newport News. How many feet is it from Williamsburg to Newport News?
It is 26,400 ft from Main Street to Elm Street. How many miles is it from Main St. to Elm St.?