Complex fractions are fractions that have fractions within them. They are either in the numerator, the denominator, or both. Divide complex fractions by multiplying (keep, change, change)
When dividing fractions, they do NOT need to have a common denominator. To divide two fractions, change the operation to multiply and take the reciprocal of the second fraction (flip the second fraction). Keep-Change-Change. Change Operation. Flip 2nd Fraction.
Suppose a boat travels 30 miles in 2 hours o How do you write this rate? Suppose a boat travels 12 miles in 2/3 of an hour o How do you write this as a rate? o How do you write this as a division problem? o Determine the unit rate: 18mph
Suppose a boat travels 8 ¾ miles in 5/8 of an hour. o How do you write this as a rate? o How do you write this as a division problem? o Determine the unit rate: 14 mph
1.Snowfall of 12 ¾ inches in 4 ½ hours. How many inches per hour does it snow? 2. Ian drove 30 miles in ½ hours. How many miles did he drive in 1 hour. 3. Use 5 ½ quarts of water for every 2 lbs of chicken. What is the unit rate? (Hint: Quarts per pound) 2 ¾ quarts per lb 2 5/6 inches per hour 60 mph 4. Mrs. Robare is making costumes for the school play. Each costume requires ¾ yards of fabric. She bought 6 yards of fabric. How many costumes can Mrs. Robare make? 8 costumes
Who is Faster? During their last workout, Izzy ran 2 ¼ miles in 15 minutes and her friend Julia ran 3 ¾ miles in 25 minutes. Each girl thought she was the faster runner. Based on their last run, which girl is correct? Find the unit rate for each runner: Izzy 15 ÷ 2 ¼ = Julia 25 ÷ 3 ¾ = They both ran the same speed, so neither girl is faster.
o Use the recipe to make fruit punch. Is the amount of sugar used proportional to the amount of mix used? Explain. Yes, each ratio reduces to ½ Cups of Sugar½11 ½ 2 Envelopes of Mix 1234
1. Mary is making pillows for her Life Skills class. She bought yards of fabric. Her total cost was $16. What was the cost per yard? 2. Doug entered a canoe race. He rowed miles in hour. What is his average speed? 3. Mrs. Robare is making costumes for the school play. Each costume requires ¾ yards of fabric. She bought 6 yards of fabric. How many costumes can Mrs. Robare make? 4. A lawn company advertises that they can spread 7,500 square feet of grass seed in hours. Find the number of square feet of grass seed that can be spread in an hour ft per hour 7mph 8 costumes
Tahira and Brendan going running at the track. Tahira runs 3 ½ miles in a half an hour and Brendan runs 4 miles in 3/5 of an hour. Who runs at a faster pace (miles per hour)? Show your work! A B Tahira Brendan