Your Student Account: Is designed for to ensure your online safety Is created for instruction and learning Is a convenience and privilege Is governed by Millard Public Schools District Rules and
Check your electronic mailbox often! Empty your mailbox Move saved messages into folders Delete messages you don ’ t need Delete Sent Items
Never write or send a message that you would mind seeing attributed to you on the evening news! Remember: is NOT private
Use the Subject Field Make it meaningful Words that stand out!
Address the receiver by name in the opening sentence Begin with a Greeting Good Morning Sally,
Consider WHO will receive this message and use an appropriate writing style. Am I writing to a friend? Is this message going to an adult or your teacher? Are they a “ keypal ” ?
Consider the content and tone of your message Is this a message you would like to receive?
Uz proper speling and gramor (Use proper spelling and grammar)
Poorly written messages reflect negatively upon the sender. Think carefully about and proofread messages before sending.
Avoid using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in messages Is difficult to read Suggests you are yelling at the receiver
Did you figure out the answer to #5? When replying to an , include information from the original message. Helps the sender remember the previous “ conversation ” Helps to make your message clear
Remember, messages do not include voice inflections or facial expressions Does your message say what you really meant to say?
Do not open attachments Beware: attachments may carry computer viruses unless you are expecting them
Avoid “ flames ” Flaming is verbally attacking people on a personal level
Tell you teacher immediately Save the message Your teacher will know what to do! If you receive an inappropriate ...
PROTECT YOURSELF... Be smart. Use your head!
District Rule II G. “ The following uses of District computers will be strictly prohibited: 1. Offenses Messages 2. Personal, Commercial, and/or Religious Messages 3. Computer Hackers 4. Inappropriate Use of and/or Internet 5. Chat Rooms on the Internet. ”
District Rule The use of the District’s network, internet, e- mail system and telecommunications systems, shall remain under the control of the District and may only be used for district business subject to applicable law, policy and rule."