Ihr Logo "Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked?" Text: Eccl. 7: 13.


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Presentation transcript:

Ihr Logo "Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked?" Text: Eccl. 7: 13

Your Logo The Writer of Ecclesiastes, otherwise known as the Preacher, took a careful notice of the world around him. He studied the seasons of life, learning when it was time for this and time for that. He watched the way people worked and played. He saw how they lived and how they died (Eccl. 3: 1-10). He then invites us to consider God's work in the world. The work of God not in terms of creation but of providence which is the effect of divine sovereignty, Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked

Your Logo and is conducted and directed according to the counsel of His will. It is the course of events which God orders and controls. It comprises both events which are straight, that is, in accordance with our expectation, and events which are crooked, that is, which by their seeming absurdity baffle our comprehension. Then he asks us a rhetorical question: “Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked?” (Eccl. 7: 13). Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked

Your Logo When the Preacher talks about something “crooked, " he is not referring to something that is morally out of line, but talking about some trouble or difficulty in life we wish that we could change, but cannot alter. It happens to all of us. Sooner or later, there is something in life we wish that God had a different shape to. What is the one thing that you would change in your life, if you had the power to do so? Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked

Your Logo Some days are full of prosperity, bliss and tranquility. Not every day is like that; some days are full of adversity, lack, gloom and crisis rather than prosperity. We might assume that the righteous people are the ones that prosper, while the wicked always suffer adversity. Yet sometimes exactly the opposite occurs; the righteous suffers adversity, while the ungodly prospers (Eccl. 8: 14). We say that a good person deserves a long life. Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked

Your Logo And we think that the life of a very wicked person should be short. That seems fair and proper to us, but it does not always happen in this world. In fact, good people sometimes die at a young age (Eccl. 7: 15). Some things are straight in life; other things are crooked. But whether they are crooked or straight, there is absolutely nothing that you can do about them. Trusting in the sovereign goodness of God helps us know how to respond to all the joys and trials of life. Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked

Your Logo Whether we are having a good day or a bad day, there is always a way for us to glorify God. So the Preacher says, " In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other " (Eccl. 7: 14). We cannot arrange events according to our wishes or expectations; therefore not only is placid acquiescence a necessary duty, but the wise man will endeavour to accommodate himself to existing circumstances. Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked

Your Logo God's providence is always wisely done to answer the best ends and purposes; everything is beautiful in its season; contemplate, adore, and admire the wisdom, power, and goodness of God displayed therein; it is such as cannot be made better, nor otherwise than it is ( Eccl. 3 : ). Of course people should always do what is right and wise. But some people trust their own goodness so much that they even accuse (Eccl. 5 : 2, Rom. 3 : 3 - 7, I Jn. 1 : 10 ). Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked

Your Logo “Man cannot amend what God wills to be ' wanting' and ‘adverse’ (Job 12: 14). No man can make that straight which seems to be so irregular and disagreeable. Indeed, no man can mend or make that better he finds fault with and complains of; nor can he alter the course of things, nor stay the hand, nor stop the providence of God ( Eccl. 3 : 14 ). Thus it is impossible for us to predict what will happen in coming days. Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked

Your Logo If we do this, we will be well prepared for both the good days and the bad days. This is all part of what it means to “consider the work of God." When the Preacher tells us to “consider," he is telling us to do something more than simply see what God has done. He is telling us to accept what God has done and surrender to his sovereign will. He is telling us to praise God for all our prosperity and trust God through every adversity. Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked

Your Logo As the Preacher puts it, " man may not find out anything that will be after him" ( Eccl. 7 : 14 ). We have no way of knowing whether the coming days will bring us greater prosperity or more adversity. Living with this kind of uncertainty need not cause us anxiety or despair; rather it should teach us to leave our future in the hands of God. Most of us would prefer to control our own destiny. Instead, we should entrust our lives to the loving care of our sovereign God. Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked

Your Logo We cannot change God, or the things He has established. We must accept the things we cannot change. We may need to alter our lives to conform to the things God has done. We must change, not God (Eccl. 1: 15). Who Can Make That Straight, Which God Hath Made Crooked