Welcome Yeshua’s Yeladim We Love You!
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BEHAR & BECHUKOTAI “Shemittah” Vayikra/Leviticus 25:1 – 27:34
On the Farm The most important part of a farm is the land. It is very important that farmers treat the land with respect and not overuse it.
The Torah and Farmers The Torah teaches the farmers how to take care of the land. God tells Moses that the farmers can plow and harvest the land for 6 years straight.
The Sabbath Year Then the farmer and his animals will take the seventh year as a year of rest! No farming. No harvesting. Every person and animal must rest on the Sabbath Year.
Food for the Poor You cannot own or sell anything like fruit or vegetables during the year of rest. What falls off the tree is for anyone to take and eat.
Why the rest on the seventh year? The seventh year will give the land and the farmer much needed rest. The land is commanded to take a rest, just like the people. The seventh year of rest is called “Shemittah” In English it means “Release”.
The Year of Jubilee After seven cycles or seven years there was another celebration. The next year or 50th year was like a Sabbath of Sabbaths. The Year of Jubilee.
The Promised Land When the Jewish entered the Promised Land. Every family was given a plot of land to live and grow things on. God told the Jewish people the land was His.
Lesson #1 – Respect Yourself and the Earth By taking time to rest it allows our bodies to feel better and heal. We are responsible to take care of ourselves and the earth.
Lesson 2 – Enjoy What You’ve Been Given Stop and be thankful for things we enjoy We only get them certain times of the year.
Lesson 3 – Trust God Requires trust in God. God says in the Torah to trust him by obeying the Shemittah. Take God at His word that He will take care of us.
Let’s Learn Hebrew! “Shemittah” “Release”
What Did We Learn Today? We learned the facts about the Shemittah and the Year of Jubilee. We must respect ourselves and the Earth.
Small Group Time