Welcome to AB140 Unit 1 - Introduction to Management Michael B. McKenna
Unit 1 Outcomes Understand the expectations of the course Introduce the four pillars of management -Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. Describe the skills needed by managers
Instructor Information Michael B. McKenna -Please feel free to call me Prof. McKenna or Prof. M. Whatever makes you most comfortable
Methods of Communication AIM-michaelbmckenna - Contact me for all curriculum and class related issues. Look for Hint Below Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework
Office Hours Office Hours are held in AIM: Mondays 7 PM to 8 PM EST (unless it’s a holiday) If you see me logged into AIM, please feel free to contact me at other times. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework Look for Hint Below
Course Syllabus Course Objectives Policies Grades
AB140 Course Objectives 1.Describe solutions to management problems 2.Recognize the four functions of management 3.Explain a process to manage technology decisions 4.Summarize the importance of social responsibility, and diversity in a business environment 5.Identify the ethical issues within business
Late Policy 1-7 calendar days late 20% deduction in points 8-14 calendar days late 30% deduction in points No work will be accepted more than two (2) weeks after the due date. example – Unit 1 assignment will be accepted up until the close of Unit 3 onl y. Must notify me via KU when submitting late work
Gradebook Unit # Total Discussion Discussion Dropbox Assignment Review10 80 Seminar Quiz Total1000 Extra Credit is not offered in the Kaplan School of Business and Management Gradebook
Discussion Questions First post by Friday, minimum of 2 additional posts on 2 different days -At least 3 posts on 3 different days Complete, well thought-out responses in Standard English Initial post should be at least 100 words Proofread responses for spelling and grammar Reference course material
Dropbox Assignments Submitted through the Dropbox Classmates can not view Reference course material Only documents in Microsoft Word will be accepted Do not type assignments into the comments section Word Perfect documents will not be accepted -Document must end with.doc, or.docx only example:michael mckenna unit 1 assignment.doc
Reviews Complete readings prior to taking review Can take it multiple times -Grade is final review submitted No access after unit closes out Review grade available one week after the unit closes out
Seminars Every Thursday MT at 8:00PM, EST – 9:00 PM EST (please adjust to your time zone) We will be discussing and expanding on the readings Seminars add to your understanding of the weekly material Time when we can interact with each other Stay focused and on topic
Special Seminar Rules Once I state that the seminar has started, please do not post any other greetings. This bears repeating…. Please do not greet each other at any other time.
Special Seminar Rules continued Please do not announce that you are late or that you are leaving the seminar early. Why?--It tends to take the class off-track because people feel rude if they do not acknowledge you. Think about this…. if you were late in a ground class, would you stop the class to announce when you arrived?
Please do not discuss off-topic issues. - For example, if your computer is not working or you are having trouble staying connected, instructors and classmates have no way to help you and the seminar needs to continue despite your issues. We have so much material to cover in the hour Meanwhile, you can call Tech Support to get the help you need.
Seminars Mandatory Weeks 1-9 Worth 15 points Seminar Alternative Assignment –Unit 1 example For those of you who are unable to attend the live class and will be completing the Alternate Assignment, the seminars are recorded and will be made available for you to review at a later time should you desire. These archived seminars will remain available for the entire term. Complete the readings from the electronic text for this unit. After doing so, write a two to three page double-spaced paper covering the following: 1. Summarize the key points in the syllabus. 2. Identify and describe the types of assignments that you will encounter in the course. 3. Identify and describe management hierarchy and the four functions of management. The paper should be in Microsoft Word format, using 12 point Times New Roman font type. Once completed, submit the paper to the Drop box.
Alternate Assignment
Undergrad Seminars Grading – SBAM rubric
What’s due in Unit 1? WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO THIS WEEK?
Your First Weekly Activity: Reading! Management M Start Here by Bateman & Snell 1 st Edition ISBN: Chapter 1 Always make your reading the first activity of the unit! All textbook reading is located in Doc Sharing.
Quality (40%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: All assigned discussion questions were answered completely Posts were on topic and unique in content All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic Score No quality criteria were met. (0 points) One criterion was met. (4 points) Two criteria were met. (12 points) Criteria were fully met. (20 points) ____ pts
Participation Guidelines (30%) will be measured on the following criteria: Initial post no later than Saturday, midnight EST Posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days All posts to be no less than 100 words No participation criteria met. (0 points) One criterion was met. (3 points) Two criteria were met. (9 points) Criteria were fully met. (15 points) ____ pts
Clarity and Organization of Writing (20%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: Posts were organized and logical No spelling or grammatical errors References were used and cited properly Criteria were not met at all. (0 points) One criterion was met. (2 points) Two criteria were met. (6 points) Criteria were fully met. (10 points)
Professional & Netiquette (10%) in your post will be measured on the following criteria: Respect and consideration toward peers/instructors Appropriate language Professional use of abbreviations and acronyms Criteria were not met at all. (0 points) One criterion was met. (1 point) Two criteria were met. (3 points) Criteria were fully met. (5 points)
Unit 1 Discussion Board (2 questions) – 15 points Discussion 1 – Introduce Yourself -Your name/AIM name -If you have ever worked as a manager -Your current and/or future educational goals -How you think this course will help you Discussion 2 - Time Management/Activities/Case Study -What are Donna’s time management problems? How could these problems have been avoided? -Identify several problems; not just one!
Unit 1 Discussion Board (2 questions) – 15 points Participation – for both questions. -First post by Saturday -Post at least 2 other messages in response to your classmates’ postings -Post on 3 different days of the week
Unit 1 Dropbox Assignment – 15 points Read and review the Course Syllabus located in Doc Sharing/Course Home/ Download the Unit 1 Syllabus Contract from Doc Sharing Submit the saved document through the Dropbox Be sure that it is the Syllabus Contract Unit 1 Syllabus Acknowledgement Contract.doc
Unit 1 Seminar – 15 points Mandatory and active participation in weekly seminars, Units 1 through 9. Seminar Alternative Assignment
Unit 1 Review – 10 points Read all pages of reading 10 Questions Can take the review as many times as you’d like
Keys to Success Work a little every day Complete the assigned readings before completing assignments Back-up all assignments Post early in the week; first post by Saturday Actively participate Complete all tasks by the due date (Tuesday) Demonstrate respect for your fellow students on the DBs and in the semina rs
Management Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals. Effective management -to achieve your organization’s goals Efficient management -to achieve your organization’s goals with minimal waste resources
Four Functions of Management Planning Organizing Leading Controlling
Planning Foundation of management activity Deciding and articulating goals Steps to accomplish goals Providing “value” to the organization Specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals. Management, Bateman Snell, p 12.
Organizing Coordinating human, financial, physical resources Manage flow of information and tasks Flexible and adaptive Assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals. Management, Bateman Snell, p 14.
Leading Stimulate high performance Motivating Inspire Communicating Stimulating people to be high performers Management, Bateman Snell, p 14.
Controlling Implementing the other three Keeping track of progress Establish standards to measure success “Are our actual outcomes consistent with our goals?” Monitoring performance and implements necessary changes Management, Bateman Snell, p 14.
Levels of Management Top Level -Strategic Middle Managers -Tactical Frontline -Operational Top Middle managers Frontline managers
Performing All Four Management Functions A typical day for a manager is not neatly divided into the four functions Days are busy and fractionated, and spent dealing with interruptions, meetings, and firefighting 1-50
Performing All Four Management Functions Good managers don’t neglect any of the four management functions 1-51
Management Skills Technical skill -The ability to perform a specialized task involving a particular method or process 1-52
Management Skills Conceptual and decision skills -Skills pertaining to the ability to identify and resolve problems for the benefit of the organization and its members. 1-53
Management Skills Interpersonal and communication skills -People skills; the ability to lead, motivate, and communicate effectively with others. 1-54
You and Your Career Emotional intelligence -The skills of understanding yourself, managing yourself, and dealing effectively with others. Social capital -Goodwill stemming from your social relationships 1-55
You and Your Career 1-56 Be both a specialist and a generalist Be self-reliantBe connected Actively manage your relationship with your organization Survive and thrive
What’s your EQ? How well do you understand your strengths and limitations? How well do you manage your emotions, make good decisions, seek and use feedback, and exercise self-control? How well do you effectively listen, show empathy, motivate and lead others?
Successful executives are Proactive -“ What needs to be done?” Vs “What do I want to do?” Action Planners -They write an action plan. They don’t just think, they do, based on a sound ethical plan. Responsible -They take responsibility for decisions. This requires checking up, revisiting, and changing if necessary. Problem solvers -They focus on opportunities rather than problems. Problems have to be solved, but exploiting opportunities is what creates great results.