Ocean Motion OCEAN MOTION!
The up and down movement of surface water. Waves are really energy! Water moves in a circular motion, while the energy moves forward!
What makes a wave? Most waves are caused by wind and can grow in size according to: Speed of wind How long the wind blows How far (distance) the wind blows
Parts of a Wave
Giant waves caused by earthquakes and volcanoes Tsunamis Giant waves caused by earthquakes and volcanoes
Storm Surge Large domes of water caused by low air pressure during hurricanes and tropical storms.
Huge wave formed by large storm waves joining together Rogue Waves Huge wave formed by large storm waves joining together
Streams of water that flow like rivers through the ocean. Unlike waves, currents do move water forward! Caused by wind patterns and different water densities.
determine weather & climate Oceans have warm and cold currents. There are 7 major ocean currents These currents help determine weather & climate patterns
The Gulf Stream –a well known Surface Current! Part of a large current that carries warm water up the Southeastern coast of America as well as over to Western Europe.
Types of Currents Surface Current: Flow across surface of ocean Caused by prevailing winds (Gulfstream) Shoreline Currents: local currents that run along the shore caused and changed by winds and shifting sand Longshore Current: type of shoreline current that carries large amounts of beach material from one place to another. Rip Current: shoreline current that flows away from beach (very dangerous to swimmers!) Deep Ocean Currents – caused by differences in water temperature. Cold water is heavier than warm water so it sinks.
Currents do not move in a straight line because Earth’s rotation causes them to bend. Currents in Northern Hemisphere flow clockwise Currents in Southern Hemisphere flow counter-clockwise
Tides The daily rise and fall of the level of the ocean. Caused by the pull of gravity from the sun and moon.
The bulges of water on either side of the earth are called HIGH TIDES The low-water levels LOW TIDES.
And now….for some ocean humor!