Location Balabaster was made off of what was once called Darwin, Australia. Balabaster is 38 South, and 88 East.
Climate Balabaster is very tropical. It has two seasons. The wet, and the dry season. In the wet season Balabaster gets a ton of rain and amazing lightning. During the dry season rain is rare, and most days are sunny.
Landforms In Balabaster there are some mountains. A few are Mt.Meemee and Mt.Moomoo. Mt.Meemee has 3 main rivers running through it, and many tropical animals live on it. It also has lots of trees. Mt.Moomoo has one river, and lots of trees. There are also two main bodies of water. They are Lake Uzi, and Lake Eemu. Lake Uzi is used to make drinking water. Lake Eemu is used for fishing.
Natural Resources A few main resources are forests, fish, gold, and silver. There are many mines for gold and silver. We also have some lakes for people to fish from here in Balabaster.
Language The People of Balabaster speak Balaboo. speaking Balaboo is very easy. All you do is speak in English and add oo to the end of each word. Like this, Iookoo atoo thatoo pigoo. That translates to look at that pig in English.
Religion Balabaster has two main religions. 80% are Jewish, and 20% are Hindu. One thing that everyone in Balabaster believes is that all people should be treated fairly.
Clothing People in Balabaster mainly wear Shorts, T- Shirts, Flip Flops. Since it’s mainly pretty warm in Balabaster, many people don’t own jeans, and long sleeved shirts.
Jobs Balabaster has many jobs. Three main ones are Engineering, Mining, and Medicare. In many families only the husband works. People mine for gold, and silver.
Government The Government of Balabaster is a democracy. Democracy means everyone’s vote is counted. Balabaster’s current president Albert Goobersnout.
Food There are lots of different types of food in Balabaster. A favorite dish is Moogoora. Moogoora is a chicken stuffed with beats. Then a liquid made of berries covers the chicken. Also a rare fruit called Azdeep grows in Balabaster
Homes Many homes in Balabaster are on the beach. Other homes are on tree tops in forests. All homes in Balabaster are wealthy.
Imports/Exports Balabaster is known for its technology. Although a major imports are macadamia nuts, and strawberries. Some major exports are wool, and wine.
Education Kids from the ages 8-15 go to school 3 days a week for 3 hours. Teens from the age go to school 4 days a week for 4 hours. No schools give out homework. Although every school is required to teach a different language. After that they go off to college.