TYPES OF LEADERSHIP STYLES Autocratic Makes decisions without discussing it with anyone Valuable if need to be made quickly (+) Alienates team members (-)
TYPES OF LEADERSHIP STYLES Democratic Encourages decision making from different perspectives Consultative – seeks the input/advice of other team members before making a decision Persuasive – makes a decision then tries to persuade others that their decision is the best
TYPES OF LEADERSHIP STYLES Democratic Help motivate others (+) Team members have ownership in ideas contributed (+) Delay decision making (-) Improves sharing ideas (+)
TYPES OF LEADERSHIP STYLES Laissez-Faire – “Let it be” Shares leadership responsibilities (+) Highly motivational to others (+) Communication and interpersonal skills (+) Decisions may not occur in a timely manner (-)
TYPES OF LEADERSHIP STYLES Paternalistic Acts as a “father figure” (+/-) Makes decision but may seek advice(+/-) Needs support of other members (+)
Which type of boss would you rather work for? [State “why”.] So, which of the following leadership styles occurs in your family when there are decisions to be made? [Give an example.] Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-Faire, or Paternalistic. Which type of boss would you rather work for? [State “why”.]
THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP Behavioral Leaders are trained or learn how to be a leader Influenced by relationship Development and maintained
THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP Contingency Different leadership styles used depending on situation
Trait/Inherit THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP Born with leadership skills Gender bias
Which of the leaderships do you think is the most accurate? Why? Behavioral Contingency Trait/Inherit
THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP Depending circumstances People Culture Relationships
FACTORS AFFECTING STYLE Risk Situation Importance of change Difficulty of taking charge Task
Aware of how change impacts others Resentment and alienation CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP Adapt and flexibility Aware of how change impacts others Resentment and alienation Acceptance