Waste Aware Construction & the “National Colour Code for C & D Waste”
SWAG Mission Statement To develop and support a National Campaign called “Waste Aware Scotland” to raise public awareness of and change attitudes and behaviour towards waste management issues within the domestic environment.
Background Waste and cost implications Colour coding and symbols (ICE and CC) –Easy to follow
Laing O’Rourke (LOR) were developing their own colour code - mirrored the ICE/CC’s proposals Approached Waste Aware Scotland –transition between domestic work and industry
LOR’s code was then merged with the ICE/CC code. The format of the delivery for the project (online and downloadable) was presented to all partners in London. Waste Aware Construction represents the outcome of this project.
What WAC does Provides stakeholders in the C&D industry with an easy to access site where they can learn about the colour coding scheme for the source segregation of recyclates. Provides free to download signage Practical and affordable way to increase the segregation of recyclates at source”
Professional Signage Sign manufacturers incorporating colour coding into catalogues –e.g. Enfield, Nuneaton signs
Tool box talks Using colour coding scheme, CC and BLL have developed ‘toolbox talks’ for workers.
Future developments Update of web-site and poster creator Possible addition of green waste poster creator option. Step-by-step process pdf
For more information please contact: Colin Kerr Waste Aware Scotland … or log onto: