Money Business Ethics
Money In 1950 –a soft drink cost about five cents –bread about 15 cents a loaf –a new car about $2,000 Today, these items cost ten times more.
Inflation Why is the U.S. a high cost country? The present dollar is worth no more than 10 cents of the 1970 dollar and 50 cents of the 1980 dollar. Silent theft Benefits debtors over savers
Excess supply of money affects some sectors of the economy before others causes not only economically unjustified redistributions of wealth causes changes in the relative prices of various consumer and producer goods These changes in relative prices alter the structure of production as capital and labor are shuffled into new combinations in different lines of production.
Inflation These shifts are ultimately unjustified because, as the inflation ebbs, the new demand for those goods will fall off, leaving the owners of retooled capital and retrained labor stuck with the now less useful assets. Flowed into financial assets This waste is the major cost of inflation.
Money The government's discretionary power over the production of money must be curtailed –Returning to the gold standard –Ending fractional reserve banking,
Money Explosion In Australia, the M3 money supply is 13% higher from a year ago British M4 is 13% higher The Euro Zone's M3 is 9.3% higher, a 16-year high Korea's M3 is 10.3% higher China's M2 is 16.9% higher, a 16-year higher Russia's M2 is 45% higher
Money Explosion the U.S. M3 has been reconstructed to show 10.7% growth in The money supply will, at this rate, double in less than seven years
Derivatives This Ponzi scheme of derivatives that is so big that it involves ten times as much "money" as the total output of all the goods and services produced by the entire freaking planet for a freaking year