UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 1 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO COMMAND OUTBRIEF AH-64D, DD November YYYY (Insert Company, Battalion) (Insert Location) NOTE: This template is UNCLASSIFIED as is but will become FOUO when populated.
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 2 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO DISCLAIMER 2 This will be a preliminary briefing based on information currently available to the investigation board. The USACRC has reviewed this briefing. The command must be aware of possible adjustments to the findings and recommendations if additional information or facts become available or if scientific analysis provides additional information. However, the information provided in this briefing should not change significantly and the command may use the information to initiate corrective action. This briefing and information is restricted to accident prevention purposes only. The command will not use this information for any other purpose, to include disciplinary and adverse personnel action. This information can be used for planning, training, policy development, and other accident prevention measures. IAW AR Chapter 3, Paragraph 28, information required to be released to the AR 15-6/Legal Investigating Officer has been released. This briefing is considered a product of the deliberative process of the Safety Investigation and cannot be released to the AR 15-6 Investigating Officer or other legal investigations. Violations of AR Chapter 3, Paragraph 28.b. are punishable as a violation of a lawful general regulation under Article 92, Uniform Code of Military Justice.
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 3 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO Board Members 3 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. MAJ XXXUnit Name Board President CW4 XXX Unit Name Board Recorder MAJ XXXUnit Name Medical Officer SFC XXXUnit Name (Expertise) SME DAC XXXUnit Name (Expertise) SME DAC XXXOrganization Technical Advisor
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 4 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO Background 4 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. UNIT:X Company, Battalion EQUIPMENT: Proper Name of Equipment DATE/TIME: DD Month YYYY/TTTT (L) LOCATION: Grid and/or Common Name RESULTS: Injuries & damage ECOD: $ MISSION: Short Title of Mission
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 5 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO Flight Crew 5 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden.
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 6 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 6 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. Pre-Accident Timeline DD February YYYY: XXXX DD January YYYY: XXXX DD August YYYY: XXXX DD September YYYY: XXXX DD November YYYY: XXXX
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 7 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 7 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. Accident Site & Supporting Slides
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 8 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 8 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. Accident Timeline 06 April 2015: 0830 – Flight OPS lost contact with accident aircraft XXXX – XXXX XXXX – First responders arrived at accident site XXXX – XXXX XXXX – Accident site secured by military personnel
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 9 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 9 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. Analysis ENVIRONMENTAL: Not Contributing MATERIEL: Not Contributing HUMAN: Contributing
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 10 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO Summary of Findings 10 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. Present and Contributing XXXXX Present but not Contributing XXXXX Special Observation
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 11 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 11 Present and Contributing Findings & Recommendations The following findings directly contributed to this accident. This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden.
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 12 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 12 Present and Contributing to the Severity of Injury/Damage The following findings did not cause the accident; however, they did contribute to the severity of injury and or damage sustained Present and Contributing to the Severity of Injury/Damage The following findings did not cause the accident; however, they did contribute to the severity of injury and or damage sustained This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden.
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 13 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 13 Finding 1 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. Finding 1 (Present and Contributing: Human Error Individual and Standards Failure)
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 14 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 14 Recommendations 1 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. a.Unit Level Action: Commander, (Unit Name), disseminate the facts and circumstances surrounding this accident. b.Higher Level Action: Commander, USAGHI, disseminate the facts and circumstances surrounding this accident. c.Army Level Action: 1.Commander, Training and Doctrine Command, XXXX. 2.Program Executive Officer XXXX (PEO-XXX): a)XXXX b)XXXX 3.Commander, U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center, disseminate the facts and circumstances surrounding this accident and publish in KNOWLEDGE magazine.
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 15 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 15 Present But Not Contributing Findings & Recommendations The following findings did not contribute to this accident; however, if left uncorrected, they could have an adverse effect on the safety of future operations This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden.
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 16 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 16 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. Finding X Finding X (Present But Not Contributing) XXXX
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 17 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 17 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. Recommendations X a.Unit Level Action: XXXX b.Higher Level Action: None. c.Army Level Action: None.
UNIT CREST UNIT LOGO 18 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNIT MOTTO UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 18 This document contains information protected by DODI under the safety privilege. This information shall be used SOLELY for accident prevention purposes including planning, training, and policy development. Further distribution, use, or disclosure of this information is forbidden. Questions