HLC Re-accreditation Update GENERAL FACULTY MEETING JANUARY 15, 2014
Overview Changes in the re-accreditation process since 2007 Current progress Campus resources
Program to Evaluate and Advance Quality (PEAQ) ( ) Annual Institutional Updates monitoring financial and non-financial indicators On-site Comprehensive Evaluation every 10 years Self-study 200+ page report Resource room
Open Pathway (phase-in started January, 2013) Quality Assurance separated from institutional Quality Initiative for improvement New timelines Revised Criteria for Accreditation
Open Pathway Quality Assurance v erifies that we meet threshold standards Federal Compliance Assumed Practices Criteria for Accreditation Quality Initiative - a new process to demonstrate continuous improvement
Separate Timelines We are here
Quality Assurance Annual institutional updates and monitoring of financial and non-financial indicators Two comprehensive reviews in a 10 year cycle Year 10 ( ): on-site peer review Year 4 of next cycle ( ): panel review
No self-study or resource room Electronic Quality Assurance System (Matthew Roberts) Assurance Argument (35,000 word limit) submitted in Years 4 and 10 Claims and evidence of how we meet criteria Evidence files submitted in years 6 – 9, 1 – 3, 6 – 9…
Take-home message Accumulating evidence of how we provide a high quality education and continue to improve as an institution must become an annual practice.
Revised Criteria for Accreditation Mission (2007 Mission & Integrity) Chair: Christina Curras Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct (2007 Preparing for the Future) Chair: James Mueller Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support (2007 Student Learning and Effective Teaching) Chair: Shane Drefcinski Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement (2007 Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge) Co-Chairs: Colleen McCabe and Laura Bayless Resources, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (2007 Engagement and Service) Chair: Matt Roberts
Quality Initiative An institution-wide project designed to suit our present concerns or aspirations. Must have scope and significance Completely separate from Quality Assurance QI proposal to document implementation and assess the success of the Academic Planning Council’s new program review process
Quality Initiative Timeline
Summary of Open Pathway Two separate comprehensive reviews in 10 year cycle New timelines Quality Initiative Project – report due Implementation and improvement of APC’s Program Review process Quality Assurance Argument – site visit in Revised Criteria New process of submitting evidence files
Progress Report Steering Committee started work in 2012 Approved for Open Pathway in 2013 QI proposal submitted, waiting for approval Website launched last semester General information, timelines Communication, questions and feedback Criterion Teams assembled, first meeting 1/14/14
Campus Resources HLC Steering Committee Each college has a representative on the Steering Committee: BILSA – Sharon Klavins EMS – Christina Curras LAE – Colleen McCabe Regular meetings that all are welcome to attend Website