My Promise to God
I promise to know… n We need to know God better –Not simply to know about Him –We ought to crave what he offers (Matt. 5:6) n We need to have assurance of our salvation –Psalm 23 – “…I will fear no evil…” –2 Cor. 5:1 – “… we have a building from God” –Can we sing “Blessed Assurance?”
I promise to glow… n Luke 8:16 – “No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket” n On the contrary, we are to shine like “stars in the universe” (Phil. 2:15) n We glow like the moon n We glow like the sun n It may be that our fire needs to be lit!
I promise to show… n Luke 17:14 – “Show yourselves to the priest” n Psm. 92:1-2 – “It is good…to show forth your lovingkindness” n We need to be able give evidence about our hope (1 Pet. 3:15).
I promise to grow… n 2 Thess. 1:13 – we give thanks because: –“your faith is greatly enlarged” –“your love grows ever greater” n 2 Pet. 3:18 - …”grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior…” n How? Like babies do! (1 Pet. 2:2)
I promise to go… n Matt. 28:19 – Jesus sent his apostles to all nations n Some of us need to accept that assignment n However, our mission need not be distant –Mk. 5:19 – “go home to your people…” –John 4:39 – “he told me everything…”
My promise to God