August 2014
Required District Assessments
CogAT October 20-24, Grades 2 & 5 You can start early, but you must finish by 10/24 3 Batteries of 3 Sub-tests Should be completed in 3 sittings December 1-12, Kindergarten Must be completed by December 12 Screener Only 1 test per battery Should be completed in 1 sitting
Assessment At-a-Glance by Grade Level
Learning Platform Rubric Personalized Learning Plan Assessing Growth What about CBAs?
Assessment Expectations
Grade LevelIstationACT Aspire KUniversal Screener College Readiness 4Tier 2 and Tier 3 OnlyCollege Readiness 5Tier 2 and Tier 3 OnlyCollege Readiness
ACT Aspire
What is ACT Aspire?
ACT Aspire Periodic Interim Assessments (3) Classroom Assessments (5) Summative Summative Assessment
How will we use it in GCISD?
Preparing to Test
Posted under Assessment for CTC National Assessments On-Line Resources
Proctor Caching
During Testing
After Testing
Reports Print reports to send home Look at Assessment Data with Teachers
When will we Receive Measurement Results?
Purpose- universal screener/progress monitoring tool BOY, MOY, EOY Required for: all Kinder-3 rd grade (early reading) students in reading tier 2 and 3 students in 4 th and 5 th advanced reading all 2nd-5 th grade math students (if they telescope to 6 th grade they are not required) Administration Instruction > correlation> Texas grade Is Istation aligned to our state standards? Instruction> Istation Math What grade levels are currently available? Instruction > Response to Intervention How many minutes per week are recommended for each tier?
Reports ISIP Summary Report Priority Summary
Reports Skill Growth Report Student Summary Handout
Training/Q & A/Feedback Teacher liaisons Genevieve