PARCC Math Updates December, 2015 Heather Brown & Dana Cartier ISBE Math Content Specialist
Objectives for the day Content contained is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Navigate ISBE and PARCC resources Discuss the current PARCC updates.
PARCC Redesign PARCC test will be shorter, easier to administer beginning next school year Consolidate the two testing windows for ELA and math, formerly the Performance-Based Assessment and the End-of-Year exam, into one. Reduce total test time for most students by 90 minutes – Each year a limited number of students will participate in an additional embedded ELA field-test unit. Maintain its focus on critical thinking, concept mastery, and writing skills; contain the same extended tasks and writing exercises that are important for measuring students’ critical thinking and concept mastery Consist of six or seven test units Unit Testing Times spring-PARCC-unit-times.pdf spring-PARCC-unit-times.pdf
High School Fall Block Fall block will retain the format from the administration of PARCC. It will still contain separate windows for PBA and EOY and the test times will be unchanged from the previous year. Online testing will be available for fall block.
Spring Assessment Dates One 30-school day testing window this spring. Each school establish their own testing window, from roughly the 75% to the 90% mark of their instructional days. Earliest date will be March 7 and the latest will be in June. Cutoff date for both paper testing and online testing by which schools will need to return or complete all testing if they wish to receive early preliminary reporting at the district level. – Paper and pencil tests: April 29, 2016 (tests must be completed and scheduled for pickup) – Online tests: May 13, 2016 (tests must be completed and sessions “stopped”) Testing beyond these dates is an option, but schools should be aware that score reports will be delayed as a result.
High School Assessment ISBE recognizes that the transition between a grade-level system of assessment and a course-based system of assessment at the high school level presents structural implementation challenges. In certain cases, the graduation requirements during this period of transition can pose such challenges. ISBE does not expect students in the Class of 2016 who were not enrolled in an assessed course during the school year and who will not be enrolled in an assessed course during the school year to take an assessment for a course in which they are not enrolled for the purpose of obtaining a diploma.
Score Reporting 2015 results will be available this week A score of a 4 or 5 is meeting or exceeding expectations, 3 is approaching expectations and 1 or 2 will need more assistance to reach expectations Results are a new baseline and should not be compared to former ISAT or PSAE test scores
Designed from the outset : to maximize instructional time and minimize testing time to provide teachers, parents, and students with the critical information needed to make daily instructional choices What’s Different About PARCC’s Tools and Instructional Supports? 13 or a single location for educators and to get critical information about the PARCC assessment design and implementation, and to discover useful professional development resources built by PARCC, states, and other providers. PARCC Partnership Resource Center (PRC)
The PRC hosts a range of resources and tools: Formative instructional tasks (K-2) Speaking and listening tools (ELA) Technology readiness tool Released items include items and student work, with annotations for each score point on the rubric. Professional development modules. These interactive modules include videos and quizzes and can be used to facilitate conversations in large or small groups. The library houses evidence statements, blueprints, videos. Over time, educators will be able to submit content for the library. PARCC Partnership Resource Center (PRC)
Create a login. Click on the human icon in the top right corner Fill in the required information (*) Illinois member code: IL1818 (Some of the material is available without a state code, but some of the material requires a state code to view.) PARCC Partnership Resource Center (PRC)
Math Formative Tools Diagnostic Assessments (coming soon) Grades 2-8 Reading, Writing, Math Computer-based Designed to pinpoint students’ strengths and weaknesses K-2 Tools – currently available Grades K-2 Reading and math Checklists, running records, performance tasks Links to interventions/enrichments
Purpose is to inform instruction; not for accountability Tasks are instructional– nothing like a “typical” test Tasks are paper-based, but will incorporate technology to support teacher scoring and data analysis Task reside on the Partnership Resource Center K-2 Formative Tools 18
Status of K-2 Mathematics Formative Tasks 19 Kindergarten Tasks Two NumbersPairs to 10 Breaking Apart Numbers Creating Teen Numbers Counting Stories How Many Do I Have? Grade 1 Tasks Equality GameSmart Calculator Unknown Numbers Making & Breaking 2-Digit Numbers Comparing Two 2-Digit Numbers Creating & Solving Word Problems Grade 2 Tasks Adding & Subtracting within 100, 1000 Scavenger Hunt: Comparing Length Units Using Stories to Solve One- Step Word Problems Math Libs – Solving 2-Step Word Problems
Sub-tests for Grades 2-8 All items are either Multiple Choice or Multiple Select Items aligned to K-8 CCSS Types of Comprehension Assessments o Overall comprehension (multiple grades; multiple cluster) o Grade level assessments o Assessments within a grade’s cluster o Learning Progression assessments across grades Diagnostics: Mathematics Comprehension 20
– Mathematics Comprehension scale score provides indication of the kinds of skills students in that grade level solve. – Cluster classification (Mastery/Non-mastery) from subtests o Allows one to identify strengths/weaknesses by cluster o Allows one to start instruction based on students strengths, i.e., the last clusters they have mastered. o Gather data from across the year to inform progress towards student learning objectives, student improvements as a result of interventions, etc. Mathematics Diagnostic Sub-test Uses: 21
Assessments for Grades 2-6 Items aligned to Gr.2-6 CCSS (fluency standards) All Fill In the Blank items with no context Focus is on speed and accuracy – NOT how many items can a student complete within a given time frame… – Rather, speed and accuracy will be reported separately, to allow teachers to choose focus of instruction Diagnostics: Mathematics Fluency 22
Mathematics Fluency Standards Assessed 23 GradeStandardRequired Fluency 2 2.OA.2 2.NBT.5 Add/subtract within 20 Add/subtract within OA.7 3.NBT.2 Multiply/divide within 100 Add/subtract within 1, NBT.4Add/subtract within 1,000, NBT.5Multi-digit whole number multiplication 6 6.NS.2 6.NS.3 Multi-digit whole number division Multi-digit decimal operations Type I Type II
29 Type III
ssessments/test- design/mathematics/math- test-specifications-documents
– Integrated Problems – Reasoning (Practice Standard 3) – Modeling (Practice Standard 4) – Multiple select – Multiple Parts Lessons Learned from PARCC
Instructional uses of the evidence statements/tables for teachers To use in Vertical Alignment Conversations To use to evaluate a curriculum’s Scope and Sequence To recognize the transparency of PARCC assessment design To see how the evidence tables, which lead to PARCC Assessment design, are tied to the standards and the language of the standards To see ways to combine standards naturally when designing instructional tasks To develop the stems and rubrics for questions/tasks for instruction aligned with the standards 38
Resources Any publicly released assessment policies, item prototypes, PARCC Model Content Frameworks, and other valuable resources can be found at
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Heather Brown – Dana Cartier –