Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT AGENDA 10:00 IntrosLisa.


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Presentation transcript:

Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT AGENDA 10:00 IntrosLisa 10:15 SCP OverviewJoanne 10:30 Proposed Action, Outline and OverviewKris, Scott, Laurie 12:00 Questions, Schedule, Next StepsLisa 12:15 Adjourn

Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT SCP OUTCOMES Thorough stakeholder participation and input in defining approaches for broad ecological restoration and vegetation management implementation methods Significant stakeholder contributions toward development of the NEPA Proposed Action and Purpose and Need by the summer of 2011

Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT ROLES Decision Signers: Joanne Roubique, Deanna Stouder Project Leads: Joanne Roubique, Peter Stine/Rick Bottoms Meeting Planning Committee: Jeff Brown, Kris Boatner, Scott Conway, Laurie Perrot, Joanne Roubique, Peter Stine, Craig Thomas, Lisa Wallace Stakeholders: all of you Facilitator: Lisa Wallace GTR-220 Advisors: Malcolm North, Peter Stine

Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT SCHEDULE May 10, 2010: Presentations, Tour – DONE Oct 14, 2010: Presentation, Tour – DONE Oct 29, 2010: Presentation, Tour – DONE Nov 16, 2010: Tour – DONE Dec 3, 2010: Presentations – DONE Mar 4, 2011: Issues, Marten/Veg Data – DONE Apr 18, 2011: Prescriptions, Fire Model - DONE May 3, 2011: Fire Modeling – DONE June 1, 2011: Draft Proposed Action, Purpose and Need July 12, 2011: Proposed Action, Purpose and Need August, 2011 TBA: Field Meeting, Marking Review, Last Meeting

Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT DRAFT PROPOSED ACTION/PURPOSE & NEED Outline and Overview

Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT FIVE MAIN SECTIONS  Introduction  Need for the Project  Purpose of the Project  Proposed Action  Responsible Officials

Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT PROPOSED ACTION  How proposal developed through collaboration  Collaborative process  Steps used to craft the proposal  Areas identified for management emphasis  Overall goals and treatment objectives  Emphasis areas 1 and 3, emphasis areas 2 and 4, emphasis area 5, emphasis areas 6 and 7, emphasis area 8

Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT PROPOSED ACTION  Forest Plan Direction  Prescriptions and Treatments  Silvicultural Prescriptions  Silvicultural Treatment Methods  Fire/Fuels Prescriptions  Fire/Fuels Treatment Methods

Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT PROPOSED ACTION  Prescriptions and Treatments  Unit specific prescriptions and treatments  Prescription Specifics by Emphasis Area  Resource Protection Measures

Tahoe National Forest, Truckee Ranger District PSW Sagehen Experimental Forest UC Berkeley Sagehen Field Station SAGEHEN PROJECT NEXT STEPS  Feed back on draft PA/PN by June 8  Is level of detail sufficient?  Goal to have more complete draft to group by July 7