September 14, 2015 Transportation Board of Directors John M. Terry Assistant Director- Engineering SR-160 from SR-159 to Mountain Springs Phase 2 Final Design Services
Project Background The Pahrump Valley has experienced substantial growth SR 160 is the main artery servicing this area Due to traffic growth, the road’s ability to operate safely at an acceptable level of service has and will continue to deteriorate This project is one of 8 projects along SR 160 NDOT has either completed or proposed from just east of I- 15 to Pahrump to address safety and capacity needs RTC’s Transportation Plan recommends expanding SR 160 to 4 lanes within the study area
Project Location SR160/SR159 Intersection Mountain Springs Community Las Vegas Valley End Project Red Rock Rec. Area To Pahrump Begin Project
Full Project Limits
Phase 2 Project Limits 11 22
Environmental Process Purpose and Need for the SR 160 project consists of: Safety Enhancements Improved Driver Comfort Ingress – Egress within Mountain Springs Area SR-159 Intersection Improvements and Aesthetics Guardrail Median (Reduce Crossover Crashes) Possibility of Wild Animal Crossings Bike Lanes Traffic Demand Increase Capacity Reduce Trip Times Route Continuity Regional Planning
Purpose & Need: Traffic 2010 Actual Count - 7,800 AADT (Average Annual Daily Traffic) – In 2008, the actual count was 8,100 AADT Forecast 2012 volumes – 8,195 AADT – 2012 volumes represent existing traffic Forecast 2032 volumes – 14,098 AADT – There is a 72% increase in traffic since 2012
Final Design Phase 2 (West Segment) Roadway Improvements Widen existing roadway to 2 lanes in each direction along SR-160 Improve ingress and egress in Mountain Springs by providing protected left‐turn pockets for the various driveways Lighted intersections for added safety and visibility Improve roadway geometry throughout project limits Eliminate unpermitted access points
West Segment Typical Section
Project Schedule MilestonesAnticipated Completion Date Notice to ProceedSeptember 14, 2015 Preliminary Design ActivitiesNovember 16, 2015 Develop Intermediate (60%) SubmittalMarch 25, 2016 Develop QA (90%) SubmittalMay 20, 2016 Develop PS&E SubmittalJuly 11, 2016 Document DateAugust 29, 2016 Advertising DateSeptember 14, 2016 Begin ConstructionFirst Quarter 2017
Procurement History RFP Issued - July 2011 RFP included option for Final Design CA Group selected - August 2011 Project Initiated - November 2011 Environmental Completed 2014 Phase 1 Construction Bid – August 2015
Board Action Recommendation to Board Approval of Amendment in Agenda Item
Questions? SR-160 from SR-159 to Mountain Springs Phase 2 Final Design S ervices