IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: Title: Liaison Report for Date Submitted: May 16, 2013 Contributed to IEEE on May 16, 2013 Authors or Source(s): Clint Chaplin, Liaison (Samsung) Abstract: This document is the liaison report on
IEEE presentation release statements This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE ’ s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE ’ s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as stated in Section 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board bylaws and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development Section 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board bylaws
802.11ac – Very High Throughput <6GHz –Successor to n at frequencies less than 6GHz af – TVWS –TV White Space ah – Sub-1GHz –Sub-1GHz Operation ai – Fast Link Setup –Speed up initial link setup aj – CMMW –Chinese Millimeter Wave ak – General Link –Enhancements For Transit Links Within Bridged Networks aq – Pre-Association Discovery –Pre-Association Discovery mc – New Maintenance group (compilation of all approved amendments) –Working towards Groups
Slide 4 IEEE Standards Pipeline PHY Sponsor Ballot MAC Study groups Published Standard WG Letter Ballot aa Video Transport ac VHT 5GHz TG without Approved draft Discussion Topics Published Amendment af TVWS ai FILS ah WNG May ae QoS Mgt Frames ad VHT 60 GHz PAD AQ aj GLK AK HEW
Osama Aboul-Magd TGac Very High Throughput <6GHz Third Recirculation WG ballot LB191 on IEEE ac D5.0 closed February 1, Results: 249/12/ % 141 comments received: 84 technical, 56 editorial, 1 general All comments withdrawn Fourth Recirculation WG ballot LB194 on IEEE ac D5.0 closed April 4, Results: 252/10/ % 0 comments received Received permission to go out to sponsor ballot Initial Sponsor ballot on IEEE ac D5.0 closed May 5, Results: 155/11/ % 348 comments received: 148 technical, 198 editorial, 2 general Resolved all but 110 comments
Rich Kennedy TGaf TV White Space First Recirculation WG Ballot LB192 on draft 3.0 closed February 8, Results 194/30/ % Received 166 comments Finished addressing all the comments Second Recirculation WG Ballot LB195 on draft 4.0 closed April 17, Results 211/19/ % Received 86 comments Finished addressing all the comments Will go out for recirculation after this meeting
Dave Halasz TGah Less than 1GHz March –Work continued on specification framework Update to the spec framework adopted ah-specification-framework-for-tgah.docx May –Work continued on specification framework Update to the spec framework adopted ah-specification-framework-for-tgah.docx –Initial baseline draft text adopted Draft text submission 13/500. –Approved a 20 day Call for Comments on initial baseline draft text
Hiroshi Mano (needs to be updated) TGai Fast Initial Authentication March –Experimental-test-report-of-FILS was reported on adhoc. –63 unsolved open technical before this session. –All comments were resolved. –21 Technical motions ( 20 passed/ 1 failed) –Instructed editor to prepare draft 0.5 and incorporating these resolutions and, approve 20 day peer review starting on/or after April 8th, 2013 to assist with producing an improved draft for working LB. May
Xiaoming PENG TGaj China MM-Wave Meeting January 23-24, 2013 in Shenzen, China Reviewed the updated TG Usage Model – 11-12/1245r2 Reviewed the updated TG Functional Requirement – 11-12/1301r2 Reviewed the TG Evaluation Methodology – 11-12/1382r0 Presented a new contribution on Proposal of RoF Extension Link Backhaul – 11-13/0177r0 Presented a new contribution on Backward Compatibility Feature for aj /0175r0 Presented a new contribution on Proposal of Channelization for aj /176r0 Presented a new contribution on A Simplified Method for Beamforming Training Procedure for Multi-band Capable MM-Wave Device” /0178r1 March plenary –Task Group documents reviewed: Usage model, 12/1245r2, Jiamin Chen –Submissions 13/292r0, Backward compatibility of 11aj with 11ad, Carlos Cordeiro 13/0177r1, Proposal of RoF Extension Link Backhaul for Category 4, Hiroyo Ogawa Meeting April 24-25, 2013 in Bejing, China –Reviewed TG documents 1)Usage Model – 11-12/1245r4 2)Functional Requirement – 11-12/1301r3 3)Evaluation Methodology – 11-12/1382r2 4)Selection Procedure, 11-12/1359r0 5)Process Overview, 11-13/0437r0 New Contributions 1)11-13/0175r1 – backward compatibility feature for aj 2)11-12/1361r3 – channel measurement for 45GHz, 3)11-13/0435r0 – Consideration of PHY design for 1.08GHz channel 4) r2 - backhaul-usage-model-proposal 5) r0 – MAC protocol to support dynamic bandwidth for IEEE aj (60GHz) 6)11-13/440r0 - Proposed Dynamic Channel Transfer (DCT) procedure for IEEE aj (60GHz) –Approved the following documents as baseline Usage Model – 11-12/1245r4 Functional Requirement – 11-12/1301r3 Evaluation Methodology – 11-12/1382r2 Selection Procedure, 11-12/1359r0 Process Overview, 11-13/0437r0
Donald Eastlake TGak General Link March –Accomplishments Received and discussed 4 submissions Met jointly with Thursday morning. The minutes of this TGak meeting are in 11-13/375 and an annotated agenda is in 11-13/0273r5. May –Accomplishments Received and discussed 4 submissions Met jointly with ARC SC Tuesday morning. The minutes of this TGak meeting are in 11-13/425 and an annotated agenda is in 11-13/0404r4.
Stephen McCann TGaq Pre-Association Discovery March –Use case aq-use-case-analysis.docx Use case collection now closed –Requirements and terminology documents aq-draft-tgaq-terminology.docx –Initial protocol design discussion aq-design-options.ppt –Detailed scoping discussion May –Initial protocol design discussion aq-tgaq-design-option-for-one-way-service-discovery-protocol.ppt aq-design-options-for-ibss.ppt aq-service-registration-of-sta-to-an-ap.ppt –Use case update aq-use-cases-for-tgaq.ppt –Requirements and terminology documents aq-draft-tgaq-terminology.docx –Press release update pre-association-discovery-press-release.doc
Dorothy Stanley (needs to be updated) TGmc Accumulated Maintenance Changes First Initial WG ballot LB193 on draft 1.0 closed March 4, Results 197/26/ % 1085 comments received: 591 technical, 418 editorial, 76 general
Laurent Cariou (needs to be updated) High Efficiency Wireless (HEW) SG
Clint Chaplin WNG Wireless Next Generation SC Five presentations at May 2013 meeting 1.DSRC Supporting Information ( wng-dsrc-support- information.pptx) – Lee Armstrong 2.Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Applications Tutorial ( wng-dsrc-applications-tutorial.pptx) – John Kenney 3.Coexistence issues between p and ac in the proposed UNII-4 band ( wng p-dsrc-and ac-coexistence.ppt) – Jim Lansford 4.Backoff protocol for IEEE devices ( wng- ieee-presentation-backoff.ppt) – Andrey Lukyanenko 5.IEEE Accounting Extensions ( wng accounting-extensions.pptx) – Max Riegel
Andrew Myles (needs to be updated) JTC1/SC6 SC ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 March –Reviewed latest liaisons to SC ac D5.0 liaised Responses to comments on liaised –Reviewed status of PSDO activity Pre-ballots in SC6 on 802.1X & 802.1AE passed –5 month ballot delayed until comments resolved – r5 on 802.1X, r4 on 802.1AE will be considered by EC Pre-ballots in SC6 on aa/ad/ae are still open –Close on 7 April WG will submit under PSDO WG will submit 802.1AS, 802.1AB, 802.1AR under PSDO –Reviewed status of various China NB proposals in SC6 No known changes to status for : –WAPI –TEPA-AC –TLSec –TAAA IETF are now tracking TISec and may send representative to next SC6 meeting Nufront will present on EUHT and coexistence with in May in Hawaii; possibly in SC? –Prepared for next SC6 meeting in June in Korea Reviewed agenda Empowered Bruce Kraemer as HoD Completed contribution process for SC6 NBs to “participate” in development & maintenance of 802 standards – r8 will be considered by EC –Also discussed in WG & WG Discussed a Swiss NB “explanatory report” on the SC6 resolutions from Graz –Further discussion and any action will occur in Hawaii Discussed a response to Swiss NB comparison of 802.1X and TEPA-AC –Will be completed in Hawaii May
Rich Kennedy Regulatory SC March –Approved Vancouver meeting and teleconference minutes –Heard regulatory update summaries for North America, the EU and Asia –Approved a liaison to ITU-R WP5A on expansion of the 5 GHz spectrum –Heard two presentations on transmit beamforming antenna gain (relating to a TCB test document for multiple antennas) –Developed and approved a framework document for the development of Comments for NPRM FCC (proceeding 13-49) May –Approved Orlando meeting and teleconference minutes –Heard regulatory update summaries for North America, the EU and Asia –Developed and approved a final draft response for the Comments in NPRM FCC (proceeding 13-49) on the 5 GHz bands Approved by the SC: 16 Y / 4 N / 2 A Approved in : 7 Y / 0 N / 0 A –Planned to form a “Tiger Team-like” sub-group to: Develop a list of questions to help develop a clear and definitive scheme for sharing with ITS / DSRC in the 5850 to 5925 MHz band Meet with ITS representatives to discuss the list and have questions answered Make recommendations for ac / ITS agreement on sharing plan –Decided that response to Ofcom consultation unnecessary
Mark Hamilton Architecture SC March –IETF/802 coordination Reviewed RFC 4441 update. Trying to balance between redundant with CBPs versus enough information here. Still open for comments – please get comments to Dorothy Stanley Also, Operations Area working group has gotten submissions on CAPWAP, and will be considering. –Brief update on General Links (11ak) and bridging discussions Most presentations will be in Thursday AM1 joint session Looks like changes are needed in 802.1AC, which will need a PAR –802 Overview and Architecture Draft 1.6 sponsor ballot Ballot deadline extended to Mar 22. Some comments addressed this week, more on telecons. Reviewed section (Annex B.2) and comments submitted. Noted that PLCP/PMD split is being removed from , so need to describe potential changes in our architecture pictures –Architecture of APs/DS/Portals, and concepts Reviewed submission: Agreed Figure 5-1 (MAC data plane architecture) has issues and confusing parts. Started work toward a proposed replacement. Need to get clarification on all (architectural) interface points within specification – all MAC-SAPs (are there more than one?), etc. May –IETF/802 coordination – Dorothy Stanley Update on joint activities between IETF and IEEE 802 Reviewed RFC 4441 update (rev4). One comment proposed, Dorothy will carry to editing committee –802 Overview and Architecture Draft 1.6 sponsor ballot Three comments needed us to do homework and submit a proposed resolution. That was done (an updated architectural picture drawn), and captured in models.doc page 15. models.doc Reviewed all comments and their proposed resolutions. All are acceptable (with the above) –Brief update on General Links (GLK SC) and bridging discussions – Donald Eastlake Making progress and having productive discussions 802.1Qbz Draft 0.1 has been posted on the document server Biggest challenge is understanding the architecture of AP/DS/Portal –Architecture of APs/DS/Portals, and concepts Reviewed submission: General agreement with direction headed on Figure 5-1 replacement, updates suggested.