Product Requirements, Handling and Storage M Dickinson Bituguard, SA
Property Requirements Property limits derived from recent local and international experience and practice Still empirically based Ultimate goal is performance-related limits For high risk application the rheological behaviour should be assessed using the SHRP approach or the latest research
Properties for Hot Sealing applications (before ageing) Binder Class PropertyMin/MaxTest MethodS-E1S-E2 Softening Point (R & B)MinMB Dynamic 165ºCMaxMB ºCMinMB Force 15ºC--Report Complex Shear Modulus- AASHTO:TP5 Report Creep Stiffness- AASHTO:TP1 Report Elastic 15ºCMinMB Flash PointMin ASTM: D Stability (R&B 160ºC)MaxMB-655 5ºCMinMB-790 Torsional 15ºC-MB-5Report Torsional 25ºC-MB-5Report
Properties for Hot Sealing applications after Ageing (RTFOT) Binder Class PropertyMin/Max Test Method S-E1S-E2 Difference in softening point-MB-17-2 to +8 Elastic 15ºCMinMB Mass ChangeMaxMB-31.0 Dynamic 165ºC-MB-18Report Torsional 25ºC-MB-5Report
Properties for modified emulsions for Surface Seals Binder Class PropertyMin/ Max Test Method S-E1S-E2 Modified Binder Content-MB ºC-MB Residue on SievingMaxMB Particle charge-MB-24Positive Sedimentation after 60 revs- SABS 548 Nil On Recovered Binder ResidueMB-20 Softening PointMinMB ºCMinMB Elastic 15ºCMinMB Torsional 15ºC-MB-5Report Force Ductility--Report
Properties for Hot-Mix Asphalt (before ageing) Binder Class Property Min/Max Test Method A-E1A-E2A-P1 Softening Point (R & B) Min MB Dynamic 165ºC Max MB Dynamic 150ºC - MB-18 Report Dynamic 135ºC - MB-18 Report 15ºC Min MB Force Ductility N - Report Elastic 15ºC Min MB Report Torsional 25ºC - MB-5 Report Stability (R&B 160ºC) Max MB Flash Point Min ASTM:D Complex Shear Modulus - AASHTO:TP5 Report Creep Stiffness - AASHTO:TP1 Report
Properties for Hot-Mix Asphalt after Ageing (RTFOT) Binder Class Property Min/ Max Test Method A-E1A-E2A-P1 Difference in softening point-MB-17-2 to +8 Elastic 15ºCMinMB-44050Report Mass ChangeMaxMB-31.0 Torsional 25ºC-MB-5Report
Properties of Bitumen-Rubber for use in Seals and HMA Binder Class PropertyUnit Test Method S-R1 (Seal) S-E2 (Asphalt) MinMaxMinMax Compression recovery: 5 min%MB Compression recovery: 1 hour%MB Compression recovery: 4 days%MB Softening point (R&B)ºCMB Resilience%MB FlowMmMB Dynamic Viscosity 190ºC) dPa.sMB
Properties for Crack Sealants Binder Class PropertyMin/MaxTest Method C-E1CC-E1C-R1 Softening Point (R & B)MinMB Elastic 15ºCMinMB-48060N/A 60ºC-MB-12Nil 5 ResilienceMin/MaxMB-10N/A Torsional 15ºC-MB-5Report Solid Content (m/m)-MB-22N/A55N/A 165ºCMaxMB N/A Dynamic viscosity 190ºC) Min/MaxMB-13N/A ºCMaxMB-18N/A0.8N/A NB: These are minimum requirements (bench mark for proprietary products)
Storage & Handling
General Comments Heat stability of modern modified binders is adequate if exposed to reasonable temperatures Excessive temperatures cause degradation Storage in heated conditions must be in containers with a circulation system and agitation Degradation can occur during blending and pumping Heating preferably by oil or electrical coils (gas heating only with double flue pipes and low flame) No Rapid Heating Spray tankers should be fitted with slow stirrers or augers to keep modified blend homogenous Temperature/time limits in Tables are guidelines not rejection criteria
Temperature/Time Limits for Hot Polymer Modified Binder Binder Class Short-term Handling StorageSpraying/Asphalt mixing Max Temp (ºC) Max Hold Time (hrs) Max Temp (ºC) Max Hold Time (hrs) Max Temp (ºC) Min Temp (ºC) Max Hold Time (hrs) S-E1; S-E C-E A-E1; A-E2; A-P Different polymers have different storage and handling characteristics Manufacturer should provide storage and handling characteristics Circulation/stirring system required even for short-term storage
Polymer Modified Emulsions No degradation expected at range on handling and storage temperatures encountered No heating during storage; only immediately before application Emulsion stored for any length of time should be circulated and agitated from time to time Residue on Sieving value will increase with prolonged storage but should not affect performance Beware of deposits in flues of storage tankers and distributors plus blocked nozzles No storage at temperatures > 50ºC for extended periods
Recommended Spray Temperatures for Modified Emulsions Binder Content (% m/m) Spraying Temperature (ºC) 6560 – Spraying temperature is a function of the binder content/viscosity of the emulsion Emulsions heated to spray temperature should have the heat source turned off immediately if delays occur
Temperature/Time Limits for Polymer Modified Emulsions Binder Class Short-term Handling StorageSpraying/Asphalt mixing Max Temp (ºC) Max Hold Time (hrs) Max Temp (ºC) Max Hold Time (hrs) Max Temp (ºC) Min Temp (ºC) Max Hold Time (hrs) SC-E1; SC-E27024 Ambient CC-E1 Ambient 240+ Ambient 240+ Ambient 240+
Bitumen-Rubber Bitumen-rubber degrades rapidly in the presence of high temperatures over an extended period Blending and reacting of product usually takes place close to site of application Manufacturers to provide time/temperature curves of blend before start of projects Viscosity most sensitive for identifying degradation/ageing of the product Dynamic viscosity (hand-held rotary viscometer) commonly used for control purposes (method MB-18)
Temperature/Time Limits for Bitumen-Rubber Binder Class Short-term Handling StorageSpraying/Asphalt mixing Max Temp (ºC) Max Hold Time (hrs) Max Temp (ºC) Max Hold Time (hrs) Max Temp (ºC) Min Temp (ºC) Max Hold Time (hrs) Binders for seals (S-R1) Refer to time/ viscosity curve Binders for asphalt (A-R1) Binders for crack sealing (C-R1) Only amount required