Who we Are What we are Doing Harlan Onsrud, Executive Director (Interim) GSDI Association
GSDI Defined: The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure supports ready global access to geographic information …
… achieved through the coordinated actions of nations and organizations promoting awareness and implementation of complimentary policies, common standards and effective mechanisms for the development and availability of interoperable digital geographic data and technologies to support decision making at all scales for multiple purposes. global forum to support exchange of ideas and encourage joint activities at the global level
Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association … a global forum to support exchange of ideas and encourage joint activities at the global level Members: Think global, act local Organization: Think local, act global
Meetings GSDI 1 Bonn, Germany 4-6 Sept, 1996 GSDI 2 Chapel Hill, USA Oct, 1997 GSDI 3 Canberra, Australia17-19 Nov, 1998 GSDI 4 Cape Town, South Africa13-15 Mar, 2000 GSDI 5 Cartagena, Colombia May, 2001 GSDI 6 Budapest, Hungary Sept, 2002 GSDI 7 Bangalore, India 30 Jan – 6 Feb, 2003 GSDI 8 Cairo, Egypt April, 2005 GSDI 9 Santiago, Chile Nov 6-10, 2006 GSDI 10 St Augustine, Trinidad Feb, 2008 GSDI 11 Rotterdam, Netherlands June, 2009
While the primary work tends to be focused on addressing technical and policy issues, done within the context of important social goals.
Goal 6: foster spatial data infrastructure developments in support of important worldwide needs such as: -- improving local to national economic competitiveness, -- addressing local to global environmental quality and change, -- increasing efficiency, effectiveness, and equity in all levels of government, and -- advancing the health, safety and social wellbeing of humankind in all nations.
Non-Profit Organization - heavy focus on inclusiveness and democratic processes A. Membership - organizations and individuals - agencies (national to local), companies (all sizes), academic institutions, non-profits, individuals - dues scaled upon approximate ability to pay
(18 - most elected) B. Board of Directors (18 - most elected) Officers - President, President-elect, Past President Sectors – Industry, Government, Academia, Non- Profit Regions – Africa, Asia/Pacific, Europe, N. America, S. America Permanent Regional Committees – Europe, Africa, Americas, etc. International & Global Organizations - International Geographic Org., GSDI Related Global Initiative, International Industry Org. Ex-Officio Members of Council
Ongoing Activities of Interest to Developing Countries Newslist subscribers) Monthly Regional Newsletters – Africa, Latin America, Asia/Pacific (electronic) Working Groups & Task Groups – Technical, Legal & Economic, Standing Committees, etc. Web Discussion Forums Small Grants Program Regular Global Mtgs plus Training Workshops Affiliated Projects: ESRI Global Map, Intergraph Open Interoperability Grant Program
Current Hot Projects (funded in budget) Developing SDIs Best Practice Manual (i.e. SDI Cookbook) - how to implement SDI concepts within any nation adhering to interoperable standards - ongoing international cooperative effort - version 2, Jan 2004, several languages - being rewritten again … recommended suites of software versions
Knowledge Portal for World’s Mapping Agencies SDIs - self-reporting web form system published directly to web - who are the leading authorities in each nation? national, province and local - insider perspectives & updates on status of SDI developments in each nation - discussion lists for tech and resource transfer among agencies contact - online surveys of most pressing needs
Best Practices Task Group Primary Literature: web form for reporting germane literature by academics with links/uploads, search Best Ten Papers: nominations and peer assessment, each of several categories from research to applications to implementation descriptions, five-year assessment cycle
Prototype Web Hosting Service for Geodata Organizations in Developing Nations - help develop initial content and easy update interfaces - help develop interactive capabilities for communicating over time (lists, wikis, blogs, etc) - host with stable electrical connections and tech support
Major Goal: - work with and mutually support other efforts in the geospatial organizational community
e-SDDC Action Lines and GSDI Cooperation/Collaboration 1. Think Tank Network 2. Scientific Data Center Network 3. Technology Transfer and Assistance Network 4. Online Training and Education Network 5. Data Applications Network
Join us at GSDI 10 St Augustine, Trinidad Feb,