Gender Bias By Juliette
Introduction #1 In this presentation, I will show you my observations of gender bias. You will see the answers to these following questions answered by students:
Student Questions Do you think boys are better at sports than girls? Do you believe that all boys love playing sports? Do you think boys are funnier than girls? Do you think all girls are obsessed with their hair? Do you think all girls love animals? Do you think boys are not as healthy as girls? Do you think girls are more creative than boys? Do you believe that girls enjoy nature more than boys?Do you think girls are nicer to each other than boys? Do you think girls are faster at thinking of things than boys?
Student Survey
Introduction #2 You will also see the answers of these following question answered by adults:
Adult Questions 1. Do you think all men bring home the money? 2. Do you think girls cook better than boys? 3. Do you think men are stronger than women? 4. Do you think that men are willing to do more things than women? 5. Do you believe women make more sense than men? 6. Do you think women are more still than men? 7. Do you think most men have short hair? 8. Do you think women are more artistic than men? 9. Do you think men are braver than women? 10.Do you think women are healthier than men?
Adult Survey
Summary From this information I learned that people have different opinions, adults like girls' cooking, while kids think girls are more creative than boys. Some kids are serious, by thinking we are all alike, for example, boys don't think they are better at sports than girls, and girls don't think they all love animals. Adults are just a little more serious than kids, for example, women don't think that all men bring home the money, and men don't think that all men have short hair. If a kid really took time to think, they would realize that "Anything is Possible!"
Answers to Questions 1. Do stereotypes affect how we see and interact with others? Stereotypes do affect how we see and interact with others, because we would think about people wrong, and not want to interact with them. 2. Is using stereotypes to judge people harmful? Using stereotypes to judge people is harmful to someone's feelings, but would not physically hurt them. 3. What did you find out about yourself? Did you find biases that you didn’t know you had? What were they? I found out (about myself) that I think anything is possible. I did find a bias that I didn't know I had. I t was that I think boys don't enjoy nature as much as girls. 4. What can we do right now to help end gender bias? To help end gender bias, some things we could do right now are ask the principal if we could say a speech over the intercom, tell as many people as we can that it is wrong, or make a presentation like this one.