Nicola Billam, Guinevere Glasfurd-Brown & Martin Sellens CAA Conference 2006 Engaging Students in Formative Assessment: Strategies and Outcomes
Overview of the Project Student Portal Resources for Innovative Targeted Assessment Funded through the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) FDTL-5 November 2004 – October 2006 Dr Martin Sellens (Director) Nicola Billam (Project Officer)
What is SPRInTA? Unfavourable staff/student ratios-affecting support on assessment and feedback given Sports Science 8 staff; 75 undergraduates per year-9.4 students per member of staff Large classes Lots of “marking” National Student Satisfaction Survey: Essex-low score on quality and time for turnaround of feedback
What is SPRInTA? Support student assessment by providing formative, targeted and personalised online support for assessment Facilitate independent study and self assessment On completion-15 Sports Science/Biological Science courses will be able to access a suite of online self assessment exercises and tutorial guidance All of these resources will be linked through the myEssex student portal
How? SPRInTA will design and develop online self- assessment and tutorial guidance for five types of assessment common to Sports Science students: 1.Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 2.Short answer and essay style practice examinations 3.Data Analysis & Interpretation 4.Practical Coursework (worksheets) 5.Reporting in Scientific Paper Format
Progress to Date The MCQ section is now complete Currently working on the other sections (tutorial guidance) MCQs Provided online MCQ formative assessments for 8 Level 1 modules formative Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)-using QuestionMark Perception, linked into the portal Split course material into week blocks and release after final lecture of the week Tiered difficulty of questions Summative Exam Online (end of module MCQ exam)
Progress cont…. 94% of students recommend online self- assessments for all level 1 modules 76% of students agree that SPRInTA assessments have aided their learning Significant improvement in summative MCQ exam results from previous year (p<0.01, t-test) Significant positive correlation between the number of formative assessments a student completes and their summative MCQ exam score (p<0.05, t-test) Significant improvement seen in the summer essay based exam (p<0.05, t-test)
Student Engagement-Pilot Fig 1: Number of formative assessments completed per week in the BS155 pilot
Strategies for Engagement Publicity: Key rings, alerts Feedback: Removal of correct answer Release dates: Weekly Release pattern: oModule A-Questions closed after two weeks oModule B-Open for the duration of the term
Results Engagement still high 81.4% Significant improvement in exam results when compared to previous years (p<0.01) Survey demonstrated 97% of thought the questions were well publicised (previously 73%) 76% of students found the PowerPoint slide useful
Results cont…… No change in engagement Completed assessments in week leading up to exam: oPilot- 88.6% oModule A- 68.2% (2 week release pattern) oModule B- 56% The change in scheduling was not popular with the students
Fig 2: Number of completed formative assessments by week number for Module A. The Summative Exam was at 10am on the Tuesday of Week 11 Fig 3: Number of completed formative assessments by week number for Module B. The Summative Exam was at 10am on the Monday of Week 11
Conclusion Students like freedom of choice with regards to study time Students appear to take a strategic approach to learning/revision Further work is needed with regard to engaging students throughout the term: oSummative component oRanking oJust in time Teaching
QUESTIONS? Contact: Tel: (87)4369 Web: Presentation can be found at: