Presented by Carolyn Evanston, Indiana
Agreement Procedures Committee (APC)
Bill Kron, Chair Annual IFTA Business Meeting Toronto, Ontario Canada July 20-21, 2010
Northeast Region Carolyn Evanston (IN) Kimberly Knox-Lawrence (ME) Southeast Region Donna Alderman (NC) Pamela Marshall (KY) Midwest Region Joy Prenger (MO) Trina Kluever-Pauli (WI) West Region Manuel Lagunas (AZ) Cindy Arnold (NV), Canadian Region Ghyslaine Lepage (QC), Vacancy At-Large Deborah Pollizi (OK) Board Liaisons Scott Greenawalt, (OK) Ron Hester, (ON) Doug Shepherd (CA) IFTA, Inc. Advisors Debbie Meise, IFTA, Inc., Tammy Trinker, IFTA, Inc. Ex Officio Hugh Hughson, (BC)
Vacancies: 1 - Canadian Region
Subcommittee working on the Annual Report Database Reviewed the 2010 Ballots Preparation under way for the Managers’ & Law Enforcement Workshop Exemption Database is now ready for population on the IFTA, Inc. website
REVISIONS FOLLOWING THE FIRST COMMENT PERIOD .010 Number of cancellations and suspensions/revocations was added back to this ballot with the addition of /closed.
*P1110 ANNUAL REPORTING.300Required Information Content of the annual report to member jurisdictions shall include:.005Number of total IFTA accounts (this includes active accounts and accounts that were suspended, revoked or canceled during the year), which shall consist of all licensees that are issued an IFTA license and decals for a licensing year excluding licensees who were issued credentials in error and returned those credentials to the base jurisdiction;.010Number of cancellations/closed and suspensions/revocations;.015Number of audits;.020Number of audits with assessment;.025Number of new licensees which shall consist of all new accounts licensed, but does not include licensees renewed or reinstated, for the registration year being reported or previously registered in another member jurisdiction; and.030Unusual activities within a member jurisdiction that could affect an audit..035Number of sets of decals issued;.040Price per set of decals; and.045Application fee amounts, including license fees, reinstatement
Clearinghouse Advisory Committee
Clearinghouse Advisory Committee Report 2010 Annual IFTA Business Meeting July 20, 2010 Toronto, ON Garry Hinkley (ME), Chair Presented by Lonette Turner (IFTA, Inc.)
Background Created by the Board in 2003 Provides technical guidance to the Board. Advises the Board regarding business rules, consistency and timeliness of data and the types of data allowed or required. Helps to ensure the clearinghouse operates within the IFTA requirements. Reviews enhancement requests and serves as a technical resource for the membership.
Now a Standing Committee With the passage of Ballot , the CAC became a standing committee. Committee Members Garry Hinkley (ME), ChairBill Kron (MS), Vice Chair Trishawn Bell (AL)Randy Boone (IN) Gary Frohlick (SK)John Griffiths (NS) Leri McClure (MI)Scott Miller (KS) Kevin Park (UT)Robert VanBuren (NY) Cherie Woodworth (ID) Board Liaisons: Pat Platt (KS) and Scott Greenawalt (OK)
Monthly teleconferences. Information exchanged by . Members work singularly and in subcommittees on various projects. The CAC is linked closely with the ITAC and receives an update each month. Activities
The CAC completed its work on the funds netting project this year. The committee believes that funds netting has been an unqualified success. The CAC established a procedure for receiving and reviewing enhancement requests. The form for enhancement request is on the IFTA, Inc. website. Projects
The CAC is continuing its efforts related to quality control and consistency with respect to both demographic and transmittal data.
Audit Committee
IFTA Annual Business Meeting July 20-21, 2010 Toronto, Canada AnnMarie Chamberlain, Chair
MEMBERSHIP AnnMarie Chamberlain, Chair (MA)Dawn Lietz, Vice-Chair, (NV) Tony Dewell (BC) Gene Hall (VA) Jeff Hood (IN) Diana Kay (FL) Audrey Martel (NH) David Nicholson (OK) Hoa Quach (AB) Bob Schwab (MO) Dan Young (MT) Fred Alleman (PA) Ex-officio Board Liaisons Scott Bryer (NH) Bob Turner (MT) IFTA Inc. Advisors Debora K. Meise Tammy Trinker
COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Review IFTA Audit Manual Auditor 101 Webinar Compliance Audit Working Group (CAWG) Information Technology Advisory Committee Re-audit - Re-exam Working Group (RRWG) IFTA/IRP Annual Workshop, 2011
Dispute Resolution Committee
Industry Advisory Committee
Law Enforcement Committee (LEC)
COMMITTEE MEMBERS CHAIR Jennifer Brown AZ VICE-CHAIR Marc Nichols NC 2 ND VICE-CHAIR Georges Sansfacon QC Don Boswell VA Michael Calfee NC Martin Cano TX Robert Chapple SK David Couprie MB Anthony Hatcher MD Trent Knoles IL Andrew Markle ON Joseph Noland OH
MARCH AND MAY COMPLIANCE INITIATIVE The LEC held the 2 nd annual M and M compliance initiative this year with 12 jurisdictions participating in this initiative. Statistics from the initiative will be presented at the workshop in September. The LEC hope to make this initiative into an annual event throughout all of the participating IFTA Jurisdictions
DECAL PLACEMENT GUIDE The LEC Committee has produced a decal placement guide to provide recommendations on where to place the IFTA decals so that there is some sort of uniformity within participating jurisdictions. After approval this guide will be placed into the Best Practices Guide
CONFERENCE CALLS The LEC continues to hold monthly teleconference calls. On these call the committee plans and organizes upcoming events and agenda’s.
COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The LEC has experienced some retirements from the committee that will be greatly missed. This has left vacancies on the committee that the LEC is actively recruiting to fill.
BUDGETS All committee members are experiencing difficulty to get approved to travel due to the economy and the respective jurisdictions budgets.
Program Compliance Review Committee
Annual IFTA Business Meeting July 22-23, 2010 Toronto, Ontario Canada
Committee Members Cathy Beedle (NE), Chair John Szilagyi (CT), Vice Chair Fred Alleman (PA) Joe Dian (IN) Gerald Jackson (WY) Leri McClure (MI) Jay Starling (AL) Donna Thursby (FL) Richard Wagner (KY) Stuart Zion (CO)
Projects Diligently review the Program Compliance Reviews Hold monthly conference call to discuss Reviews In the process of collecting data regarding the Electronic filing of Tax Returns Reviewed the Guide for potential changes with the passage of Ballot
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Program Compliance Review Update Presented by: Richard O. Beckner Program Compliance Administrator IFTA, Inc. Annual IFTA Business Meeting Toronto, Ontario Canada July 20-21, 2010
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc Program Compliance Reviews *Electronic Review IllinoisIndianaIowa KansasManitobaMichigan Minnesota*Missouri*Nebraska *North DakotaOhioOklahoma Ontario*South DakotaWisconsin
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc Top 5! R940 P1040 Tax Return Format Incorrect Tax Rates/Footnotes Monthly Transmittals Transmittal Timeliness of Tax Return Funds Late Payment of Outgoing Transmittals Late Payment of Incoming Billing Transmittals Late Payment of Audit Funds
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc Program Compliance Reviews None! 2012 Program Compliance Reviews Western Region AlbertaArizonaBritish Columbia CaliforniaColoradoIdaho MontanaNew MexicoNevada OregonSaskatchewanTexas UtahWashingtonWyoming
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. The IFTA Procedures Manual P1230 states: Jurisdictions will be required to participate in their appropriate share of program compliance reviews each year. No member jurisdiction will be required to participate in more than two program compliance reviews per year. As we do each year, we first contacting those jurisdictions that are required to participate that year to stay in compliance with P1230. Volunteers
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. In 2010, there are 15 Reviews scheduled 30 jurisdictions volunteers are needed to participate 1 Administrative and 1 Audit person per Review
Special Committee Attorneys Section Steering Committee
IFTA Annual Business Meeting Toronto, Ontario
ASSC Members Janice Davidson (NC) - Chair Carolee Johnstone (CA) - Vice Chair Jack Frehafer (PA) - Ex Officio Clark Snelson (UT) Mark Osbaldeston (ON) Marta Modigliani (NH) Brock Cole (VA) Ellen Marie Hess (VA) Collin Davis (IN) Paul Bourget (ME) Kathy Nelson (OK) Mike Burrichter (KS)
ASSC Board Liaisons Sheila Rowen (TN) Rena Hussey (VA)
2010 Activities to Date Quarterly teleconferences IFTA/IRP Audit Workshop participation Review of proposed ballots Litigation support Re-Audit and Re-Examination Working Group IFTA Committee Chairs Guide feedback
Activities for Remainder of 2010 No 2011 meeting Webinars Dry Run - August IFTA September Litigation Issues Board Charge - Legal barriers to uniform roadside enforcement
ASSC Officers for 2011 Carolee Johnstone - Chair Vice Chair - ? Ex Officio - Janice Davidson
Additional Attorneys Welcome Attorney participation encouraged Contact Janice Davidson (919) Carolee Johnstone (916)
Special Committee Information Technology Advisory Committee
Special Committee Re-Audit and Re-Examination Working Group