400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt Frontiers Industry and Robber Barons Unions Farmers RevoltCities
Wisconsin professor who believed America’s character formed on the frontier
Frederick Jackson Turner
Attempt to keep Asians out of the mining frontier
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Railheads built by Joseph McCoy literally created this brief frontier
The cattle frontier
Act signed into law by Lincoln that sparked the post war farming frontier
The Homestead Act
Federal Act that is the epitome of Assimilation
Dawes Severalty Act
Idea that promoted industrialization in the post war South
The New South
Name of famous essay by Andrew Carnegie that decried socialism and urged philanthropy.
The Gospel of Wealth
Act that began the process of giving federal land and subsidies to railroad companies
Pacific Railway Act
Pioneered the development of the trust as a way of consolidating and standardizing an entire industry
John Rockefeller
The myth that “rags to riches” was a common story for the nation’s leading businessmen
The Horatio Alger myth
Industrial union that grew rapidly but declined after the Haymarket Riot
Knights of Labor led by Terrence Powderly
Union leader who emphasized staying out of politics and focusing on wages, hours, and working conditions
Samuel Gompers (head of the American Federation of Labor)
Political radicals whose involvement in Haymarket created a negative public impression of unions
Leader of Pullman strike who, while he was in prison, became a socialist
Eugene Debs
Union term for contracts that laborers were forced to sign promising not to join a union
Yellow dog contracts (note also blacklisting, injunctions, lockouts, and Pinkertons)
For the farmers, these businesses are the most evil residents with brokers on Wall Street
Groups of farmers that were created first for social, then economic, and finally political needs and power
The Grange and the Farmers Alliances
First attempt at regulating big business by the federal government, passed in response to the case of Wabash v. Illinois
Interstate Commerce Act
Attempts by the farmers at the state level to regulate railroad rates resulted in the passage of these laws
Granger laws
Landmark Supreme Court case that upheld the right of states to regulate big business in the public interest
Munn v. Illinois
Huge influx of these people drove up urban population, poverty, and labor supplies
New immigrants
Famous urban architect, part of the Chicago School of architecture that coined the phrase,”form follows function”
Louis Sullivan
Social critic who urged the creation of a “single tax” to help solve the “enigma” of a “house of have and a house of want”
Henry George (author of Progress and Poverty)
Thomas Eakins Winslow Homer Ashcan Painters
All realist painters
Movement urging Christians to apply their faith to solving the social problems of the day
Social Gospel