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Presentation transcript:


REFERENCE SAS 與統計模式建構,吳東霖、林傑斌、 劉明德,文魁資訊股份有限公司, 2001 。 SAS/IML 在統計學的應用, 余長義著, 1997

REFERENCE Allison, P. D. (2001). Logistic regression using the SAS system: Theory and Application. SAS institution and Wiley, NC. Dilorio F. C. (1991), SAS applications programming : a gentle introduction. Boston : PWS-KENT Pub. Co. Fan X. et. al (2002). SAS for Monte Carlo Studies. SAS Insitute Inc, North Carolina. Little, R. C. et al (2002). SAS for linear models. SAS institution and Wiley, NC. Stokes, M. E. (2000). Categorical data analysis using the SAS system. SAS institution and Wiley, NC. SAS/STAT user’s guide, version 6 (1990), Volume I and II. SAS institution and Wiley, NC.

CONTENTS WeekDateContents 22/20/2005Introduce SAS language – elementary data step 32/27/2005Basic procedure 43/6/2005Data manipulations I 53/13/2005Data manipulations II 63/20/2005Procedures for bivariate analysis 73/27/2005Graphics 84/3/2005Data manipulations III 94/10/2005Procedure for modeling I 104/17/2005Procedure for modeling II 114/24/2005Midterm 125/1/2005SAS macro I 135/8/2005SAS macro II 145/15/2005SAS IML I 155/22/2005SAS IML II 165/29/2005Optimization I 176/5/2005Optimization II 186/12/2005Final exam