English Language Arts Grade 6 Mrs. Blow English Language Arts Grade 6
Today’s Agenda Introduce ourselves Organizing school materials
Write Name On All Materials Using a permanent marker: Write your name on all notebooks, folders, highlighters, etc. Include homeroom number Mrs. Blow 1201 Mr. Wiedrick 1202 Mrs. Bach 1203 Mrs. Sweredoski 1204 Mr. Kaufman 1205
Sample C. Jones 1201 Casey Jones 1201
Color-Coding Notebooks Match color of spiral notebooks to folders
Social Studies Materials Write Social Studies on: Spiral notebooks Matching color folder
Sample Casey Jones 1201 Social Studies
Science & Math Materials Under your name & homeroom number write: Science on: Index cards (do not open) Index card box 5-subject spiral notebook Matching folder Math on: Spiral Notebook Matching Folder Casey Jones 1201 Science
Reading Write Reading on pocket folder ONLY! 3-ring binder: decorate a page and put the following information Name Homeroom Reading Insert the 5-tab dividers DO NOT write on the tabs until you meet with Mrs. S. Casey Jones 1201 Reading
English Add English to front of pocket folder ONLY! 5-tab dividers: write the following sections on the tabs & insert them in the English notebook Writer’s Notebook Word Study Class Notes Quizzes / Tests Portfolio
Sample Writer’s Notebook Word Study Class Notes Quizzes / Tests Portfolio
English Homework DUE Tomorrow Design a cover to personalize your ELA notebook. Include the following information. Name (first / Last) Homeroom number English Here are some ideas: Pictures Drawing Designs Add filler paper to all sections except the Portfolio section Write H.W. in your planner Casey Jones 1201 English
Congratulations Organizing notebooks and study materials is a sign of a good student. Keep up the good work!
Store Materials Keep your notebooks, planner, and pen/cil that you need for your next class. Put the rest of the supplies in your locker.