Student name Parent(s) or guardian(s) name(s) Preferred address for class or student-related messages Preferred phone number for contact
Pre-IB Biology: 1 ½ inch three-ring binder with dividers ~OR~ spiral notebook with at least 5 sections. Red pen Composition book (to use as a lab notebook) – graph paper preferred but not required* Scientific calculator Colored pencils (not required, but definitely useful) *I have a small supply of these items – gently used. Just ask for one!
IB Biology 1: 1 ½ inch three-ring binder with dividers ~OR~ spiral notebook with at least 5 sections. Red pen Colored pencils (not required, but definitely useful) Scientific calculator
27 years teaching science in Hillsborough County, 7 years at HHS IB National Board Certified teacher since 1999 Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Integrating Technology in Instruction Trainer Grant reviewer Consultant
Biology EOC: – 100% pass – 69% level 5 (highest mark) SL IB Biology – 94% pass – 57% high achieving (5,6,or 7)
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