Secondary 5 Physics Ms. Godin Welcome
What is Physics?
Welcome! August 2009 The purpose of this PowerPoint file is to… Get us all acquainted Get you used to what class will be like Make sure you know what is expected of you. So sit back, get comfortable, and listen up!
Problem of the day! What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? A stamp
Science Equipment August 2009 Binder with dividers Assignments, Labs, Quizzes, 100+ page notebook or paper in a binder Pencil Eraser Agenda Ruler Calculator Highlighter(s) Colored pencils and such may help you during the year
Typical Class Structure August 2009 Attendance and brain teasers Today’s menu PowerPoint notes Work: class work, labs and assignments Review class work if necessary Continue notes Assigning of due dates for any work What did I learn quick review? Adios!
Stuff to look forward to August 2009 Interesting topics for discussion Group work Lab experiments Research projects Experiment demonstrations (in other words, the dangerous ones :P) Education (yet still cool) videos Rube Goldberg
Evaluation Methods August 2009 Every day: class participation, class work Several times a month: assignments, other homework, labs, (pop) quizzes Rarely: projects Twice per year: exams
Expectations August – Come to class on time. I am punctual and expect the same from you. Late students will be given detentions at lunch or after school. Being on time means you are in your seat ready to work when the bell rings
Expectations August 2009 2 – Bring all your materials. If you forget things, you may borrow from me for a trade 3 – Ask many questions, but raise your hand to do so. Being able to ask questions is a privilege. If you can’t handle raising your hand, wait until after class.
Expectations August – Use appropriate language. The classroom is not the street. Swearing will result in points taken off and/or after class detention. 5 – Show respect and you will get it. Leave any attitude outside. Mutual respect is the key to a good classroom relationship. Treat me the way you want to be treated.
Expectations August – Treat the classroom properly. The classroom is not your personal property. Clean up your messes. Throw your garbage in the garbage. Throw papers in the recycling. Do not write on anything that is not yours. Do not take out your phone/ipod/camera unless you want it taken away. 8 – Do the work. You CANNOT pass this class if you do not try. Ask if you need help.
Expectations August – Have fun!
August 2009 I promise to… Be on time Treat you with the same respect you show me Help you when you are struggling Be honest with you Forgive, apologize when wrong and not hold grudges Open your mind and make you think Make sure you have the best year!! I expect the same from you!
What kinds of things make me lose points?? August 2009 Not writing your name on an assignment, test, lab, etc… Giving in something late (-5 per day up to a maximum of three days. I do not accept work that is more than three days late!) Not following a procedure properly Leaving an entire section blank Not explaining things as clearly and as detailed as possible