THE NOK CULTURE Discovered 1928 in Northern Nigeria – Was it a civilization or advanced culture? Flourished 900 BCE to 200 CE on Niger-Benue River Clearly first Sub-Saharan civilization/culture Precursor of Bantu, West African forest peoples – Knowledge is based on archeology Iron makers and sculptors – Animals and humans made from fired clay Figures of animals, peoples including leaders Seem to have been pastoralists, farmers – Could smelt iron Have found iron tools, weapons; probably also used wood Seemed to have skipped copper, bronze ages Indigenous or borrowed from North Africa, Nile River?
WRITING Early Nile Writing – Hieroglyphics (Pictographs) – Merotic Writing in Nubia – Ge’ez Writing in Axum Education – Scribes had influence – Often attached to court or temples – Services rented out – Scribes could advance socially Sub-Saharan Writing – Lacked alphabet, books – Lack due to termites, lack of durable medium – Developed oral traditional, tribal memories – West African griots Memorized history by mneumonic devices Kept all records for tribes, rulers – Islam brought first alphabet to Sub-Saharan Africa