LEHNINGER PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMISTRY Sixth Edition David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox © 2013 W. H. Freeman and Company CHAPTER 8 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids
Cellular Processes DNA RNA (mRNA) Proteins LipidsCarbohydrates replication transcription translation
Structure of Nucleotides
Phosphodiester linkages in the covalent backbone of DNA and RNA
Hydrolysis of RNA under alkaline conditions
Absorption spectra of the common nucleotides
Hydrogen bonding between complementary DNA strands
Watson – Crick model for the structure of DNA
Certain DNA sequences adopt unusual structures
A single DNA strand with self complementary sequences can form a hairpin structure
Double stranded DNA with self complementary sequences can form a cruciform structure
Hoogsteen base pairs form in triplex DNA A single strand of DNA, typically a string of pyrimidines, hydrogen bonds in the major groove of a double-stranded DNA Red strand is in the major groove
Four DNA strands containing a high proportion of guanosines can form a G tetraplex
Cellular Processes DNA RNA (mRNA) Proteins LipidsCarbohydrates replication transcription translation
mRNA molecules can be monocistronic (containing one gene) or polycistronic (containing multiple genes) In eukaryotes most mRNAs are monocistronic In prokaryotes many mRNAs are polycistronic
Secondary structure of RNA
M1 RNA component of the enzyme Rnase P of E. coli
Reversible denaturation and annealing (renaturation) of DNA
When DNA is denatured the melting point is when half of the DNA is present as separated single strands The greater the G-C content, the higher the melting point (t m )
Electron micrograph showing partially denatured DNA Red arrows indicate regions of high A-T content, which denature first
Spontaneous loss of an exocyclic amino group is deamination Around 100 times per day in a cell
Nitrous acid (HNO 2 ) promotes deamination reactions
Hydrolysis of the bond between the base and the ribose creates an apurininc site in DNA Around 10,000 times per day in a cell
Pyrimidine dimers are induced by exposure to UV light
Nucleotides found in biomolecules