M IDDLE S CHOOL R EGISTRATION Presented by: Rocky River High School Guidance Team
A DMINISTRATION T EAM Principal: Ms. Nelson Assistant Principal of Instruction: Mr. Robinson Assistant Principal: Mr. Wingate Dean of Students: Mr. Fowler
W HO IS MY C OUNSELOR ? A-C: Ms. Cruz D-He: Ms. Bentley Hf-J: Ms. Monroe ** K-O: Ms. Foster P-R: Ms. Monroe ** S-Z: Ms. Brand **Ms. Monroe has a split alphabet**
W HAT AM I GETTING TODAY ? Raven Orange Folder Planning Guide (Left side) School Profile Athletic List Club Listing Open House Flyer School Map Registration Card (you will receive this separately)
E XIT S TANDARD T ESTS English I Algebra I Biology Civics/Economics (may come back) US History (may come back) All of these must be passed with a III or IV
E NGLISH - MUST HAVE TEACHER SIGNATURE Foundations of English/English I- Level 1 or 2 on EOG (Reading) English I- Level 3 on EOG (Reading) English I Honors- Level 4 on EOG (Reading) English II Honors- Level 3 or 4 from English 9 EOC English II- Level 1 or 2 from English 9 EOC English II Honors- Level 3 or 4 from English 9 EOC English III English III Honors- A or B in English II AP English III- recommended A or B+ in Honors Eng 2 English IV English IV Honors- A or B in English III AP English IV- recommended A or B+ in Honors Eng 3
M ATH FOR 9 TH GRADE M UST HAVE TEACHER SIGNATURE Depending on EOG scores: Level I or II: Foundations of Algebra/Algebra I (year long) Level III & IV: Algebra I (semester) If you took Algebra I in Middle School: Level I,II & III: Geometry Level IV: Geometry Honors
M ATH ONCE YOU ARE IN H IGH S CHOOL Algebra II- Must have passed Algebra I and Geometry Algebra II Honors- A or B+ in Algebra I, Honors Geometry course recommended AFM- upper level class, past Algebra 2. Required: Algebra I & Geometry Honors Pre-Calculus- Algebra I, Geometry Honors, and Algebra 2 Honors AP Calc AB AP Calc BC AP Statistics
S CIENCE - MUST HAVE TEACHER SIGNATURE Earth/Environmental Earth/Environmental Honors- A or B in 8 th grade science AP Environmental Science** Teacher approval required** Biology Biology Honors- A or B in Earth/Environmental Chemistry Chemistry Honors Physics Honors AP Physics AP Chemistry AP Biology Oceanography Honors Anatomy & Physiology.
S OCIAL S TUDIES - MUST HAVE TEACHER SIGNATURE World History World History Honors- A or B in 8 th grade Civics/Economics Civics/Economics Honors US History US History Honors AP US History Contemporary Law and Justice Psychology Sociology AP Psychology AP Euro AP World History AP Economics
W ORLD L ANGUAGE Not needed to graduate IS NEEDED if you are planning on attending a 4 year college/university If this is your concentration, you will need to take all 4 years in high school If you score a Level 1 or 2 on your English 9 EOC you should not sign up for World Language your 9 th grade year.
C AREER & T ECHNICAL E DUCATION C ONCENTRATIONS Concentrations (see back of registration card) Visual Arts General Management Business Finance Biotechnology (Medical) Travel/Tourism Programming & Software Development Web & Digital Communication Information Support and Services Engineering & Technology Design/Pre-Construction **Must have 4 classes in 1 of the pathways**
O THER C ONCENTRATIONS Performing and Visual Arts 4 Band/Choir 4 Art/Crafts/Photo Foreign Language 4 years (in high school) ROTC ROTC I-IV Advanced Placement (AP) 4 AP courses **Must have 4 classes in 1 pathway to complete**
P ROMOTION R EQUIREMENTS 9 th to 10 th Earn six (6) one of them must be English I or Algebra I + 1 exit standard test 10 th to 11 th Earn twelve (12) including: English I, English II, and Algebra I + 2 exit standard tests 11 th to 12 th Earn eighteen (18) including: English I, English II, and Algebra I + 3 exit standard tests
S CHEDULES Rocky River is on a hybrid schedule Some classes are 4x4 (semester) Some classes are A/B (year long every other day) Theatre I Band (Orchestra, Beginning Orchestra, Concert Band, Beginning Acoustic Guitar, Percussion Ensemble, or Jazz Ensemble) Chorus I ROTC I/ROTC Leadership Lab I Aerobics I Multimedia & Webpage Design Principles of Business
A THLETIC E LIGIBILITY Counselors do not have a role in athletics Athletic Director: Brandy Clemmer Get in contact with coaches if you are planning on trying out for a fall sport Get summer workouts ahead of time
W HAT CLASSES DO I PICK ? 8 classes and 2 alternative classes Alternatives should be BOTH (4x4 and A/B day) 1 core class per subject 1 English, 1 Math, 1 Science, 1 Social Studies Teacher approval signatures Teachers must sign next to the class you are selecting. Must see your English, Math, Science, and Social Studies teachers for their signatures.
O PEN H OUSE March 22 nd from 5:30-7:30pm Meet the English, Math, Science, History, Foreign Language, Fine Arts and CTE teachers Meet the Administrative Team Meet the Counseling Team Sign up for sports and clubs PTO and Booster Club Information
G UIDANCE W EBSITE I NFORMATION Get scholarship information Get College Planning information Get summer program information View Guidance announcements Helpful website Request a transcript Website: StudentServices.aspx