Technical Assistance for Needs Assessments Available From the Climate Technology Initiative Elmer Holt CTI Vice Chair April 24, 2002.


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Presentation transcript:

Technical Assistance for Needs Assessments Available From the Climate Technology Initiative Elmer Holt CTI Vice Chair April 24, 2002

5 Major CTI Activities with Developing/Transition Countries Needs Assessment Methodology Development Needs Assessment Technical Assistance for Countries Receiving GEF Funding CTIP - Cooperative Technology Implementation Plans Capacity Building through Training Courses Dissemination of Technology Information

Needs Assessment Methodology Development Ready to Partner with Others to Further Methods Development Further refinements to methods report Compilation of country examples & lessons Development of analytical tools Participation in methods development workshops and meetings Other activities

Needs Assessment Technical Assistance to Countries Receiving GEF Funding Responding to questions on methods and requests from information from all countries Providing more in-depth assistance where possible : Review of workplans, draft reports, etc. Information on technologies, business partnership opportunities, donor programs Participation in stakeholder meetings Design of technology transfer actions Dialogue with experts from other countries

CTI Currently Assisting Bolivia and Ghana Ghana Participated in initial stakeholder meeting to offer input on design of work and selection of criteria and technologies for further evaluation Assisting with review of barriers and design of actions and business and donor matchmaking Bolivia Participating mid-stream in the refinement of the needs assessment, especially in helping identify highest priority needs and design of actions Have recently also received requests for assistance from additional countries

Cooperative Technology Implementation Plans (CTIP) CTIP starts with a Collaborative Partnership between developing and transition countries, CTI member countries, and other key stakeholders Through CTIP, CTI Assists Countries with: Technology Needs Assessments Design of Technology Transfer Actions Development of Implementation Plans Implementation of High Priority Actions

Phase One Achieving a Partnership and Identifying Priority Areas Phase Three Plan Implementation Phase Two Plan Preparation CTIP Steps

Support Provided by CTI through CTIP Financial support for in-country teams for needs assessment and for implementation of high priority actions Technical assistance with needs assessment, action and plan design, and implementation Facilitating business to help attract private investment to support country goals Matchmaking with donor programs

CTIP Partnerships with Southern Africa, India, and Nigeria CTIP Regional Effort with 14 countries in the Southern African Development Community Countries have selected clean energy technology priorities, developed implementation plan, and are now implementing actions to promote use of co- generation and solar hot water heaters CTI has initiated CTIP partnerships with India and Nigeria Currently defining scope in each country

CTI Has Conducted Over 10 Training Courses Joint Delivery with Other Partners Structured to Provide Hands-On Training Content Varies, but Most Courses Have Focused on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies Participants from Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, Africa, Transition Countries and Developed Countries Several new courses under consideration

Technology Information Activities CTI Web-Site: Assistance to UNFCCC Secretariat for Climate Technology Clearinghouse Also Developing Technology Search Engine Technology Reports, Including Clean Energy Finance Technology Transfer Case Studies Government Procurement Guide

Other Possible CTI Roles with Needs Assessments Convene Needs Assessment Workshops (potentially with UNDP) – Training and Sharing of Country Experiences Business Network Design Promote business input and matchmaking Donor Matchmaking Systems Building from CTI network, GEF, etc. Other Ideas?

Other Ideas Extend technical support for technology needs assessments with additional countries Further cooperation with UNDP on handbook Augment current efforts to track climate technology related training programs and match with country needs Develop roster of technical experts (from all countries) who can assist countries with needs assessments

How to Request CTI Assistance Interested Countries Can Request Assistance By Contacting CTI Representatives at the Seoul Workshop Send expressing interest to: Elmer Holt, CTI Vice Chair Ron Benioff or Debra Justus CTI will respond to any questions regarding methods and will consider more in-depth assistance where resources are available