Why this workshop? Sanjarbek Tursaliev
Objectives To get to know each other To get to know each other To get to know the project mechanism in detail To get to know the project mechanism in detail Expectations setting Expectations setting Networking and sharing experience Networking and sharing experience
Agenda Let us have a quick look into the agenda Let us have a quick look into the agenda Comments? Comments?
Expectations Of everyone from the meeting and the project Of everyone from the meeting and the project Of institutes from each other Of institutes from each other Of UNDP from the institutes Of UNDP from the institutes
Expectations Of everyone from the meeting and the project Of everyone from the meeting and the project Be better informed on the prospects of EPIN Be better informed on the prospects of EPIN Clear agenda of what is expected from institutes Clear agenda of what is expected from institutes Possibility to meet in person Possibility to meet in person To discuss future cooperation To discuss future cooperation To have active dialogue on the next steps To have active dialogue on the next steps Establish effective networking/cooperation Establish effective networking/cooperation Experience and knowledge sharing Experience and knowledge sharing New ideas, new solutions New ideas, new solutions
Expectations Of institutes from each other Of institutes from each other Openness to cooperate Openness to cooperate Exchange of best practices Exchange of best practices Sharing information about each others research agenda Sharing information about each others research agenda Learn more about the institutes (missions, profiles, specific activities, experience, ideas, knowledge, etc.) Learn more about the institutes (missions, profiles, specific activities, experience, ideas, knowledge, etc.) Develop together ideas for cooperation, joint projects Develop together ideas for cooperation, joint projects To share achievements To share achievements To establish business relations To establish business relations To have broad discussion on the policy of the network To have broad discussion on the policy of the network To learn from best practices of the institutes To learn from best practices of the institutes To exchange ideas, knowledge, innovations To exchange ideas, knowledge, innovations To contribute efficiently to the firming of the EPIN network To contribute efficiently to the firming of the EPIN network
Expectations Of UNDP from the Resource and Target institutes Of UNDP from the Resource and Target institutes Active, pro-active participation Active, pro-active participation Raise, suggest new ideas (being realistic) Raise, suggest new ideas (being realistic) Share experience, knowledge (best practice) Share experience, knowledge (best practice) Responsiveness Responsiveness Active participating in knowledge management (including development of the EPIN website) Active participating in knowledge management (including development of the EPIN website) Active partnership building Active partnership building
Other issues to discuss Suggested by participants Suggested by participants Joint research projects Joint research projects Finding resources other than UNDP for financing joint research within UNDP. Finding resources other than UNDP for financing joint research within UNDP. EPIN is partnership EPIN is partnership Opportunities for twining (forms to be discussed?) Opportunities for twining (forms to be discussed?) Effective links with policy makers Effective links with policy makers Possibility to have joint publications regarding reforms in transition countries Possibility to have joint publications regarding reforms in transition countries To establish links with international economic journals To establish links with international economic journals Relationships with stakeholders Relationships with stakeholders
In conclusion There is a lot to discuss and to absorb There is a lot to discuss and to absorb It is easy to make the workshop productive It is easy to make the workshop productive It is difficult to make the workshop FUN It is difficult to make the workshop FUN Let make it together!