For Retiree Benefits Effective on January 1, 2016 ANNUAL OPEN ENROLLMENT
Brevard Public Schools Under 65 Retiree Options Not Medicare Eligible HFHP Medicare Parts A & B Primary BPS Secondary Includes Pharmacy BPS BPS Plan Primary UHC Medicare Advantage Medicare Advantage Medicare Eligible Includes Pharmacy
Brevard Public Schools Over 65 Retiree Options Under 65 Dependents (Not Medicare Eligible) Carrier A Carrier C PDP Pharmacy Plan Medicare Supplement Medicare Parts A & B Primary BPS Health Plan Carrier B Medicare Advantage Medicare Advantage FRSBC Includes Pharmacy
Enrollment Is Not Mandatory This Year! Your current benefits elections will roll over to 2016 UNLESS: You are covering a spouse or dependent aged 26 to 30 on the BPS Health Plan You must also go online to complete an affidavit if you want to cover your spouse or a dependent child age (even if you’ve done so before)
November 2, 2015 through November 13, 2015 (at noon) OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES
BPS Employee Benefits Options: BPS Health Plan Dental Vision Life Insurance
BPS HEALTH PLAN Health care costs continue to escalate at a significant rate Health care costs continue to escalate at a significant rate Cost to Retirees is the same Cost to Retirees is the same Very minimal changes to benefits Very minimal changes to benefits Improvement to prescription drug coverage Improvement to prescription drug coverage
WHY WELLNESS? More than 70% of illnesses are preventable More than 70% of illnesses are preventable Many leading causes of death and illness are modifiable Many leading causes of death and illness are modifiable What we do (or don’t do!) affects our health What we do (or don’t do!) affects our health
PLAN CHANGES FOR 2016 Eliminating the $300 Deductible for Brand Medications Eliminating the $300 Deductible for Brand Medications Cigna Home Delivery will be the exclusive provider of Specialty Medications Cigna Home Delivery will be the exclusive provider of Specialty Medications
The BPS Health Plan Encourage good health – many free preventative health screenings (well check ups, mammograms, basic labs, PSA) Encourage good health – many free preventative health screenings (well check ups, mammograms, basic labs, PSA) Healthy members = happier members = better quality of life = lower costs to all of us Healthy members = happier members = better quality of life = lower costs to all of us Opportunities to include Wellness activities linked to health care costs Opportunities to include Wellness activities linked to health care costs
BPS HEALTH PLAN DEDUCTIBLE $500 in-network deductible, not to exceed $1,000 per family, if you complete both the Biometric Screening and Health Assessment $1,500 in-network deductible per individual, not to exceed $3,000 per family, if both Biometric Screening and Health Assessment are not completed
Where you get treatment matters - Always utilize in-network providers: - Always utilize in-network providers: $0 copay at Quest and LabCorp for routine lab services $0 copay at Quest and LabCorp for routine lab services - Remember, the cost of treatment varies based on where the service is rendered… on where the service is rendered… Outpatient facilities are generally much less expensive than hospital facilities Outpatient facilities are generally much less expensive than hospital facilities You can look up the cost of procedures by facility on Cigna’s website: under the “Estimate Health Care Costs” tab and then use the “Medical Cost Estimator” You can look up the cost of procedures by facility on Cigna’s website: under the “Estimate Health Care Costs” tab and then use the “Medical Cost Estimator”
BPS PREFERRED HEALTH CENTERS High-quality staff Lab work Lab work Basic imaging services Basic imaging services Coordination with PCP Coordination with PCP Evening & weekend hours Evening & weekend hours All for a $15 copay!
PREVENTIVE CARE SERVICES Based on age and gender Based on age and gender List provided on benefits website “Understanding Your Preventive Health Coverage” List provided on benefits website “Understanding Your Preventive Health Coverage” Annual physicals, well-woman exams, mammograms, immunizations, and PSA screenings Annual physicals, well-woman exams, mammograms, immunizations, and PSA screenings Provided at NO COST to you at in-network providers Provided at NO COST to you at in-network providers Early Detection + Treatment = A Healthier Life! Early Detection + Treatment = A Healthier Life!
Save Money on Prescriptions Utilize generic meds Utilize preferred brands when a generic is not available Cigna Home Delivery: 90-day supply for 2 copays $4 medication lists Free Antibiotics at retailers Visit
SPOUSAL SURCHARGE FOR MEDICAL COVERAGE ONLY Will NOT apply IF your spouse: Is not employed. Is not employed. Works for an employer who does not offer medical insurance. Works for an employer who does not offer medical insurance. Is an employee of Brevard Public Schools (and is not benefits eligible). Is an employee of Brevard Public Schools (and is not benefits eligible). Is eligible for a government-sponsored plan, such as Medicare. Is eligible for a government-sponsored plan, such as Medicare. Elects coverage through his/her own employer and chooses to enroll in the BPS Health Plan as secondary. Elects coverage through his/her own employer and chooses to enroll in the BPS Health Plan as secondary.
SPOUSAL SURCHARGE Even if you have PREVIOUSLY completed an affidavit, you are required to update it while making your benefits selections in enrolling again this year. Even if you have PREVIOUSLY completed an affidavit, you are required to update it while making your benefits selections in enrolling again this year. If you are enrolling a spouse, you MUST complete an a ffidavit each year. If you are enrolling a spouse, you MUST complete an a ffidavit each year. When you enroll your spouse, the affidavit will pop up; simply answer the questions. When you enroll your spouse, the affidavit will pop up; simply answer the questions. Depending on your answers, the spousal surcharge may be waived for you. Depending on your answers, the spousal surcharge may be waived for you.
WHEN DOES A DEPENDENT CHILD’S COVERAGE TERMINATE? Florida Statute provides a qualified dependent child coverage until the END OF THE CALENDAR YEAR in which dependent child turns 30 years of age. If your dependent child is between the ages of 26 and 30 and qualifies for coverage, you must complete the Dependent Age affidavit to receive coverage.
DENTAL Plans through SOLSTICE Prepaid Plans RETIREE MONTHLY PREMIUM Tier Solstice Low S700A Solstice High S500A Employee$ 7.93$13.68 Employee + 1$13.11$25.42 Employee + 2 or More$19.38$37.13 No pre-selection of provider required
SOLSTICE DENTAL PPO PLANS RETIREE MONTHLY PREMIUM Tier Solstice 1 Low PPO Solstice 2 High PPO Employee$25.94$32.77 Employee + 1$51.44$65.12 Employee + 2 or More$75.61$95.70 Plan Benefit Maximum$1,000$1,500 For Solstice Assistance, Call Toll-Free Customer Service Or check the Provider Look-Up: Don’t forget about the BenefitsBooster
Choice of Basic and Enhanced Vision plans Plans and premiums remain unchanged Humana continues as insurance carrier VISION PLANS Basic Plan Monthly Rate Employee Only$4.92 Employee + 1$12.24 Employee + 2 or more$20.98 Enhanced Plan Monthly Rate Employee Only$7.42 Employee + 1$18.44 Employee + 2 or more$31.62
Life Insurance Options BPS continues to offer Retiree Life insurance through Minnesota Life. BPS continues to offer Retiree Life insurance through Minnesota Life. Retiree and dependent coverages remain unchanged with no increase in the premiums you pay. Retiree and dependent coverages remain unchanged with no increase in the premiums you pay. All beneficiaries you have designated will be transferred. All beneficiaries you have designated will be transferred.
INDIVIDUAL PLANS Aflac Plans available for enrollment: Cancer Care Plan – Initial diagnosis benefit $3,000 - $5,000, chemotherapy, radiation, hospitalization, wellness benefit for annual exams, and much more. Aflac Group Accident - $50 annual wellness benefit for each covered family member, ER and urgent care visits, fractures, dislocations, and much more. Aflac Group Critical Illness: UPGRADED THIS YEAR BY ADDING MANY ADDITIONAL ILLNESSES!!! Remains Guaranteed Issue; $30,000 for employee and $15,000 for spouse, helps cover cost related to heart attack, stroke, cancer, wellness benefits, and other critical illnesses. Family coverage on all plans! All plans are portable! Detailed plan information is available when you meet with a benefits counselor and on the BPS Benefits Website
You will receive your Open Enrollment packet in the mail before Open Enrollment begins. Check out the Benefits Website for detailed information about your enrollment options, including this presentation. Logon to as often as you like between November 2 nd and noon November 13 th. Make your selections and Submit. Watch for applicable affidavits to pop up. Be sure to print out your Informal Confirmation so you have a record of what you chose. That’s it! HOW TO ENROLL
Information on ALL plans and any changes is available on the BPS DISTRICT WEBSITE under DEPARTMENTS, select BENEFITS. THANK YOU! We want you to be engaged in your health and well informed about your retiree benefits! ENROLLMENT FOR 2016 BENEFITS: November 2 nd through noon on November 13 th or you may contact Debbie Lucas at ext. 648 or via at