Weighing in on Sleep
A good night’s sleep-- Allows us to relax, restore and revitalize our bodies Is as important as exercise or a healthy eating plan
The sleep, hormones and weight gain link Ghrelin- appetite-stimulating hormone Leptin- stop-eating hormone Lack of sleep increases ghrelin and decreases leptin. As a result we get hungry when we are tired!
Losing sleep? Modern, busy lifestyles are stealing our sleep time. Long work hours have reduced our sleep by nearly 20%
Multiple effects on the body! Chronic sleep loss-- Decreased growth hormone encourage weight gain. Excess insulin which promotes the storage of body fat. Contributes to diabetes, heart disease and hypertension.
What is good sleep? We have 4 to 5 sleep cycles each night. Each cycle takes about 90 minutes There are two parts to each cycle – Non Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep – Rapid Eye Movement Each has special functions.
Non Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) This is slow wave sleep and has four stages Stage 1-lightest stage of sleep Stage 2-brain activity continues to slow Stage 3-Delta waves-low frequency/ high voltage waves appear and disappear Stage 4- deepest level of sleep
What happens during NREM sleep? Muscles are relaxed Blood pressure drops Pulse and breathing slow down Body temperature decreases Digestion and metabolism are slowed Growth hormones and other hormones are released
What happens during REM sleep ? This is when we experience most of our dreams. Very active state. – Breathing, blood pressure, pulse rate and blood flow to brain increase – Muscles don’t move
REM sleep helps Memory Brain chemicals called neurotransmitters are replenished Ideas are organized Problems are resolved Neural circuits are stimulated and developed Maintain good mental and emotional stability.
Do you get enough sleep? Age Hours of Sleep Infants hrs 1-2 years hrs 3-5 years hrs 10 years 10 hrs years 8-9 hrs years 7-8 hrs hrs
Tips for healthy sleeping Create a calm routine before bed Avoid exercising or work in late evening Use the bedroom for sleep and privacy only Eat a light snack such as fruit or whole wheat toast. Avoid sleeping with pets.
Sweet dreams! See your health care provider if you snore or have ever been told you stop breathing during sleep. Sleep disorders can be treated. Often losing small amounts of weight helps promote a good night’s sleep.
Prepared by: Zaida Belendez, N.D., R.N. Janet Tietyen, Ph.D., R.D., L.D. Associate Professor Department of Nutrition & Food Science Extension Specialist in Food & Nutrition Family & Consumer Sciences Extension The School of Human Environmental Sciences May 2008