The Legacy of the War 7.4
Farewell to the Army The men of the army had become a family and now it was time to say goodbye “There was as much sorrow as joy…we had lived together as a family of brothers for several years…and now we were to be...parted forever” – Joseph Martin Plumb The last of the British leave New York Washington says goodbye to his officers in New York at Fraunces Tavern
How did we win??? Lacked training and experience Short on supplies How did the Continental Army beat one of the strongest militaries in the world?
Why the Americans Won 1.Better leadership George Washington 1.Learned from his mistakes 2.Developed strategy to wear out the British troops 3.Never gave up British Generals: Over confident Poor decision making
Why the Americans Won Foreign Aid –Gave us much needed supplies and troops
Why the Americans Won Knowledge of the land
Why the Americans Won Motivation –They are more than just words
Treaty of Paris of 1783 John Jay, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Laurens, and William Temple Franklin.
Treaty of Paris of The United States were INDEPENDENT
Treaty of Paris of Boundaries
Treaty of Paris of Fishing rights 4. Repay debts to each other 5. British return any enslaved persons 6. Americans return seized Loyalist property
Costs of the War
Another 8,000 were left wounded Soldiers payment??? Land given to soldiers was often sold for food and other basic needs What does this mean???
Costs of the War The Losers: –Loyalists It is estimated that 60,000 to 100,000 Loyalists (including African Americans and Native Americans) left the United States during and after the war
Issues after the War Government –Republicanism Who was allowed to participate? What were women's’ roles? What was needed to make this work? Place the good of the country above one’s own needs
Religion Liberty= more religious freedom –Jews and Catholics can now hold public office –Tax money no longer used to support churches TAXES
Slavery How can slavery and liberty co- exist? Vermont and Pennsylvania outlaw slavery/free slaves gradually Some slaves sue for freedom Richard Allen –Free African Society –African Methodist Episcopal Church