DFW Airport TERMINAL B – TRIP PHASE 3 ◦ Package 03A – Concrete Work ◦ Package 04A – Masonry ◦ Package 05A – Metals ◦ Package 06A – Millwork ◦ Package 07A – Metal Siding and Metal Roofing ◦ Package 07B – Spray-on-Fireproofing and Spray-on-Insulation ◦ Package 08B – Interior Aluminum Entrances, Storefront, ◦ Curtain Wall and Door Hardware ◦ Package 09A – Doors, Frames, Hardware, Plaster, Drywall and Acoustical ◦ Package 09B – Tile, Resilient and Carpet Flooring ◦ Package 09C – Terrazzo Flooring ◦ Package 09D – Solid Phenolic Wall Paneling and ◦ Decorative Formed metal ◦ Package 09E – Painting ◦ Package 10A – Signage ◦ Package 10B – Specialties ◦ Package 32A – Parking Garage Improvements
Project Overview The intent is to award a subcontract for each package. The Concrete Work Package includes all concrete work and selective site demolition. The Masonry package consists of all interior and exterior masonry work. The Metals Package includes all metals with the exception of neutral frames, custom corner guards and EGR stands. The Millwork includes all millwork, specialty casework, countertops, bag scales and EGR stands. The Metal Siding and Metal Roofing Package includes all interior and exterior metal siding and roofing. The Spray-on-Fireproofing and Spray-on-Insulation includes all spray-on-fireproofing, patching of existing fireproofing and spray-on-insulation. The Interior Aluminum Entrances, Storefront, Curtain Wall and Door Hardware includes all interior glass, glazing, mirrors and interior automatic sliding entrance doors. The Drywall Package includes the furnishing and installation of doors, frames, hardware, plaster, metal stud framing, drywall and acoustical ceilings of all types. The Tile, Resilient and Carpet Flooring Package includes the static-control resilient flooring and wall carpet. The Terrazzo Flooring Package includes new terrazzo and restoration of existing terrazzo. Solid Phenolic Wall Paneling includes paneling and all decorative formed metals. Painting Package includes all interior and exterior painting and special coatings. The Signage Package includes all interior and exterior signs. The Specialties Package includes all specialties, metal wall louvers and foot grilles. Work for all Packages is further detailed in the Scopes of Work for each package which are included in the bidding manual.
Project Change Highlights Minority Paper work and Participation have changed in the TRIP Program Self Performance is now counted at the First Level Current Certification Certificates are required with the bid
Project Team MBJ3 Project Team MBJ3 Keith Cooper – VP/Construction Manager Jeff Weeks- Senior Project Manager Tracey Sanders – Project Manager Mark Smith – Senior Superintendent Cleave Magers- Safety Director Bill Saunders – QA/QC Director Bill Summers – Senior Estimator Ricardo Cardoza D/M/WBE Coordinator
Insurance ◦ Insurance Subcontractors are responsible for carrying all off site insurance per MBJ3 insurance requirements which include; General Liability- Reference Exhibit G for amounts Automotive LiabilityReference Exhibit G for amounts Workers Compensation Reference Exhibit G for amounts Excess Liability Reference Exhibit G for amounts Verify with your Agent that you have the proper insurance
ROCIP Insurance ◦ Insurance On-Site ROCIP Enrollment –(must be completed upon intent to award) General Liability- Reference Exhibit T for amounts Automotive LiabilityReference Exhibit T for amounts Workers Compensation Reference Exhibit T for amounts Excess Liability Reference Exhibit T for amounts Builders Risk provided by ROCIP with a per occurrence deductible of $25,ooo and is the responsibility of the Subcontractor. ROCIP MANUAL has been included in Project Bid Manual.
DFW ROCIP Program The Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport has elected to implement a Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP) for Contractors providing direct labor at the Project Site. Participation is mandatory, but not automatic. A contractor must enroll for each contract it gets on the DFW Project Site and cannot start work until their enrollment is complete. This is a Bid Net ROCIP program meaning that contractors will need to exclude all costs for Workers’ Compensation, General Liability, Contractor’s Pollution Liability, Builders’ Risk and Excess Liability insurance with limits specified in the Contractor Required Coverage section of the ROCIP Manual. Initial bids and subsequent change orders must exclude all costs for insurance coverage provided under the ROCIP. The ROCIP will provide enrolled contractors Workers’ Compensation, General Liability, Excess Liability, Builder’s Risk, and Contractors Pollution Liability. There is a $10,000 deductible that is the enrolled contractor’s responsibility on the General Liability Policy and $25,000 deductible on the Builder’s Risk and Contractors Pollution Liability policies.
DFW ROCIP Program All Contractors are required to have and maintain offsite Workers’ Compensation, offsite General Liability, Auto Liability, and if required Excess Liability, Professional Liability, Aircraft Liability and Contractor’s Pollution Liability for the duration of their contract at DFW. All contractors and subcontractors of every tier working on the DFW TRIP Project and NON-TRIP Projects shall institute and maintain a Modified Duty Program for injured workers. In all cases possible, health care providers/physicians treating injured workers from the DFW TRIP Program or NON-TRIP Projects will be asked to prescribe work restrictions for injured workers consistent with the Modified Duty Program rather than prescribing days away from work, contractors will be required to accommodate those restrictions. Each Contractor is also required to include the ROCIP provisions into all awarded subcontracts and ensure that they enroll each subcontractor that they hire of all tiers. The ROCIP Program Manual has been included in your bid documents – if you have any questions please contact the ROCIP Program Manager: Nancy Jarmon or
Site Logistics ◦ Temporary facilities are responsibility of each Subcontractor. ◦ Night deliveries to project for just in time delivery is recommended ◦ Access from the Landside must include Traffic Control procedures
Jobsite Access All employees must have SIDA badge All vehicles entering AOA will require stickers for access. Offsite parking and shuttle service to work site will be provided by others. One way travel from parking to site is approximately 15 minutes
PROJECT SCHEDULING Project Schedule issued with Bid Documents ◦ All work to be completed per the schedule. ◦ Secondary Shift work as necessary so as not to interfere with DFW Airport Operations Concurrent work in Terminal B ◦ BHS System ◦ Phase 2 Finish
PROJECT SCHEDULING Project Phasing is as indicated in the Schedule and on the Plans. This Project is Phase 3 Only. ◦ This includes both Landside and Airside ◦ These packages are early start for the enabling portion of Phase 3 ◦ Construction noise abatement will also require Secondary Shift work
Overall Location Phase 3
Bid Submittal Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelope clearly labeled with the following information: ◦ Project Name ◦ Contract Name ◦ Name of the Bidding Company ◦ Company contact information
Envelope Contents Include: ◦ Preliminary Schedule of Subcontractors (PSS) – Reflects the preliminary D/M/WBE participation that the bidder is including in their bid. ◦ Documentation of the Good Faith Effort if specified D/M/WBE goals are not met. ◦ EMR Rating – Reflects safety record for projects from previous three years. ◦ Bid Bond- 5% of greatest amount bid. Cashier’s checks are not accepted. ◦ Bid Form – filled out completely, including unit pricing and alternates ◦ Current D/M/WBE Certification Certificates for D/M/WBE subs, and bidder (if applicable) ◦ All of the above forms are provided within the proposal package.
Private Bid Opening The Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) and DFW Airport Representatives will open The Envelope and proceed accordingly: ◦ If any part of information submitted in the Envelope is missing or is not in conformance with the instructions listed in the bid documents, the bid is considered non-responsive. ◦ This includes the required certificates ◦ If all of the documents are acceptable and conform to the bidding requirements, the CMAR will review the bid for scope and schedule. ◦ The CMAR may contact some or all of the bidding companies to schedule a post-bid interview.
Bid Check List Bid Form with Unit Pricing and Alternates Preliminary Schedule of Subcontractors (PSS) - Reflects the D/M/WBE participation that the bidder is including in their bid. EMR Rating for past 3 years. Bid Bond in the amount of 5% of total Bid Amount Current D/M/WBE Certification Certificates from the following acceptable agencies NCTRCA WBC-SW DFW MSDC HUB Certifications are not accepted Failure to comply with the new D/M/WBE requirements will deem your bids non-responsive with no further consideration
M/WBE Administration Purpose of M/WBE Program is to provide contracting and consulting opportunities to minority and women- owned businesses. The MBJ3 team is committed to supporting the DFW Airport Board and maximizing M/WBE participation. The MBJ3 team works in concert with the DFW Business Diversity & Development Department (BDDD), who is responsible with administering the Airport’s M/WBE Program.
D/M/WBE Administration cont… Certification ◦ The Airport requires that M/WBE’s be certified at the time of bid by a certification agency approved by the Airport Board. North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA) Women’s Business Council Southwest (WBCS) DFW Minority Supplier Development Council (DFWMSDC) ◦ DFW does not recognize HUB certification. ◦ DFW strongly recommends using certified D/M/WBE firms. ◦ Remember that VALID certificates are due at the time of bid
D/M/WBE Administration cont… D/M/WBE goals can be counted through all tiers MBJ3 is considered the “Prime.” The bidder for the package is considered the “1 st -Tier” and the subcontractors for the package are considered “2nd-Tier.” A D/M/WBE bidder’s (1 st Tier-Subcontractor) self-performance can be counted toward the goal (35% for this contract) ◦ If the D/M/WBE bidder is unable to reach the goal through their self performance, the remainder must be reached through 2 nd -tier participation
M/WBE Administration cont… When utilizing M/WBE Suppliers, only 60% of their subcontract value is credited towards the M/WBE goal. It is the DFW Airport Board’s expectation that the bidder/proposer will meet and/or exceed the set participation goal. The subcontracting teams should not only be diverse in terms of their business disciplines, but also in terms of their ethnic diversity.
M/WBE Administration cont… M/WBE Assistance ◦ Minority and women-owned businesses not certified by any of the approved certification agencies should contact the appropriate M/WBE Coordinator for assistance; MBJ3 – Ricardo ◦ If companies have not worked with M/WBE firms before, the MBJ3 Program Coordinator can provide a listing of certified M/WBE firms by specific trades or service ◦ You may also access the M/WBE Directory via DFW Airport website:
DFW Airport Board Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program Capital Assistance and Bonding Program Our Purpose: To provide educational and entrepreneurship support to D/M/WBE firms at DFW Airport.
Capital Assistance & Bonding Program Enhance growth opportunities Address the capital assistance and bonding needs of D/W/MBE firms interested in working at DFW Airport Bond package preparation support
Bond Worthiness & Increasing TWICE PER MONTH Your Capacity Seminar WORKSHOPS One class per month Two days Discussion topics: ◦ Business Practices: What is the Surety looking for ◦ Financial Management-Your Responsibilities ◦ Importance of a solid Surety relationship ◦ Joint Ventures ◦ Managing Contractor Default ◦ Increasing capacity & lowering your rate Two classes per month Various Topics: ◦ Claims & Dispute Resolution ◦ Business Planning & Management ◦ Access to Capital & Credit ◦ Marketing, Estimating & Bidding ◦ Construction Accounting & Financial Management ◦ Banking & Finance Seminars & Workshops
Capital Assistance & Bonding Program Contact Information: Ruth Dornier (Dallas) (Ft. Worth) Please see me for complete class schedules and/or registration.
SITE SPECIFIC SAFETY PLAN Each Subcontractor Will Submit a Job Specific Safety Plan Drug Testing by Subcontractor & ROCIP Administration No Weapons on Job Site Daily Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)s must be submitted Safety Overview Some MBJ3 Policies Exceed OSHA- Dress Code GFCI Pigtails Required at all times. Hard Hats, Safety Glasses, and Vests Full Time: Everyone – Contractors, Vendors, Suppliers, Etc.
Important Dates Documents Are Available Now Site Visit following this meeting at Terminal in Non secure areas only. Last Questions Due Tuesday September 29, by 1:00 PM Last Addendum Friday October 2, 2015 Bids due Friday October 9, at 2:00PM in the ADE Lobby not the MBJ3 trailer. Post Bid Interviews as needed in the Following Weeks
Bidders Questions submitted by Tuesday September 29, by 1:00 P.M to the following individuals Contact for General Questions Bill Summers – Bidders Are Responsible for Checking The DFW Solicitations Site for Addendum Notices