Day 1 Journal Do you think our society has a problem with racial profiling. If so, where do you see this? Has racial profiling directly impacted you in your life?
Exploring Key Concepts Group Research: Jim Crow Look up “Jim Crow” on the Internet. 1. What does the term have to do with race? 2. Is the reference positive or negative? 3. What is its origin? 4. What do you think this reference might have to do with police activities?
Activity 1 Exploring Key Concepts Write down your own definitions of these words • race • prejudice • ethnic • discrimination • profiling • stereotyping
Activity 2 1. What surprised you? 2. Are you persuaded by the text? 3. What in the essay is confusing to you?
Activity 2 (Ethos, Pathos, Logos) Questions about Logic (Logos) 1. What are two major claims the author makes in this essay? 2. What support does the author provide for these assertions? 3. Can you think of counterarguments the author does not deal with? 4. Do you think the author has left something out on purpose? Why?
Questions about the Writer (Ethos) 1. Does this author have the right background to speak with authority on this subject? 2. Is this author knowledgeable? Smart? Successful? 3. What does the author’s style and language tell you about him? 4. Do you trust this author? Why or why not? 5. Do you think this author is deceptive? Why or why not? 6. Do you think this author is serious? Explain your answer.
Questions about Emotions (Pathos) 1. Does this piece affect you emotionally? Which parts? 2. Do you think the author is trying to manipulate readers’ emotions? How? 3. Do your emotions conflict with your logical interpretation of the arguments? 4. Does the author use humor? How does that affect your acceptance of the author’s ideas?
Journal #8 Article #1 Follow up Choose one of the following topics and write for 10 minutes/1 half page minimum: 1. What does this writer want us to believe? 2. What is your response to one of the author’s main ideas?
Day #3 Article 2 Latinos on the Receving End of Racial Profiling and Police Brutality Group Activity (10 minutes) Ethos Research Research: Nadra Kareem Nittle Her title on the article is “Race Relations Expert” Find out 5-6 things about her using your phone for research and then formulate an opinion on if we should think of her as a “Expert” Be prepared to share your findings with your peers at the end of 10 minutes.
Activity #4 Post-Reading Reaction Logos: 1. What are two major claims the author makes in this essay? 2. What support does the author provide for these assertions? 3. Can you think of counterarguments the author does not deal with? 4. Do you think the author has left something out on purpose? Why?
Activity #5 Post-Reading Reaction 1. Does this piece affect you emotionally? Which parts? 2. Do you think the author is trying to manipulate readers’ emotions? How? 3. Do your emotions conflict with your logical interpretation of the arguments? 4. Does the author use humor? How does that affect your acceptance of the author’s ideas?
Video by ABC on racial profiling
Reaction Over the last couple of weeks, we have talked about a variety of controversial topics including animal rights and racial profiling. Now it is your turn to react. We are going to have a Socratic Seminar where you will have an opportunity to share your opinion on these matters. You need to develop 5 well thought out questions which will lead to good class discussion. You need to write your answers on the sheet as well.
Socratic Seminar Requirements You will have time in class to develop your Socratic seminar questions, but on the day of the seminar you need to bring them to me typed with: Your name and period 5 good questions 5 responses to your questions This sheet along with your participation (minimum) 4 times in the seminar will determine your grade.
Hot Seat This time, based on your feedback, we will have a “hot seat” in the middle of class where you can jump in from the outside circle and join the conversation. This will count as extra credit. Note: you may not disrupt a seminar and be off topic. It must be pertinent to the topics discussed and move the conversation forward Ensure you are leaving room for all of your peers to participate and get their points As always, be respectful