MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 Script Wars: Episode 1 Unmodularity:The Phantom Menace Steven Martin CERN, AS/DH, Library Support
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 Creating a MESS u Modular u End u Submission u System for the Electronic Document Submission (EDS) System
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 EDS Overview Document Types 1- CERN Preprints 2- CERN Open Documents 3- CERN theses 4- CERN Internal Notes 5- CERN Press Cuttings 6- CERN Photos 7- CERN Scientific Committee Papers 8- CERN Videos 9- CERN Bulletin Gal. Info./Official News 10- CERN Bulletin Gal. Articles 11- CERN Bulletin Seminars 12- CERN Exhibition Objects 13- LHC Project Reports 14- LHC Project Notes 15- External Photos (CPLEAR experiment) 16- External Preprints 17- CMS Notes 18- Books 19- Articles published in Proceedings 20- ATLAS Communications/Notes 21- ATLAS Photos Actions 1- Submission of Bibliographic Information 2- Transfer of the Document Files (by Upload) 3- Transfer of the Document Files (by Download) 4- Linkage of the Document Files 5- Modification of the Bibliographic Information 6- Submission of a Revised Version 7- Sending to an electronic Distribution List 8- Sending for Approval (ATLAS Documents) 9- Forwarding to the Printshop 10- Forwarding to Los Alamos National Archives
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 Submission Stages ATLAS Reports Bulletin Documents ATLAS Photos ACCESS Main Access Page 4 Frame system DATA ENTRY security TREATMENT SBI End Script DAM End Script MBI End Script FTT End Script INTEGRATION ALEPH DATABASE Agenda Maker
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 Limitations of current Scripts The current configuration is difficult to maintain because: u The code is tightly coupled to the object definitions. u Implementation of a new document type requires additional code. u There is code duplication between the scripts. In short: To maintain the system you need to be familiar with the code
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 Typical Code Structure if (FORM{doctypes} eq “CDD”) { `echo “CER” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/DB` `echo “11” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/BN` } elsif (FORM{doctypes} eq “CIN”) { `echo “INT” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/DB` `echo “4” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/BN` } elsif (FORM{doctypes} eq “ATL”) { `echo “ATL” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/DB` `echo “90” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/BN` } elsif (FORM{doctypes} eq “MO”) { `echo “OBJ” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/DB` `echo “55” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/BN` } elsif (FORM{doctypes} eq “BOO”) { `echo “CER” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/DB` `echo “21” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/BN` } elsif (FORM{doctypes} eq “NPH”) { `echo “PHO” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/DB` `echo “83” > $RNIDIR/FORM{doctypes}/FORM{access}/BN` } elsif ………….
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 The Joys of Parameterisation `echo $BASE > $RNIDIR/$doctype/$access_no/DB` `echo $BASENO > $RNIDIR/$doctype/$access_no/BN` Meta-Data Store $BASE $BASENO
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 What benefits were achieved? u 60 lines of code were replaced by 2 lines. u The code is more readable. u To change an object’s functionality we need only amend the database. u Addition of a new document type requires no additional code. u Maintenance can be performed by an individual without intimate knowledge of the code.
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 Extending this philosophy Replace the 10 current end scripts with a single bank of parameterised functions invoked with variables supplied from a meta-data store.
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 Demonstration Demonstration of the SBI (Submission of Bibliographic Information) action for a CERN Internal Note. u
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 MESS System Architecture EDS Form Running Directory Form Data PHP3 Script Calls MYSQL Meta-data store Next Function? Function Name Parameters? Parameter Descriptions Parameter Description Parameter Value Functions PHP Script C Program Shell Script PERL Script Calls Uploader Calls ALEPH Record ALEPH Database
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 MYSQL Database Architecture The database is composed of three main table structures: u One table per action defining the functions called by each document type. u A table containing each function’s parameter meta-data. u Tables containing the document specific parameter values.
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 SBI Function List The data held in the SBIFUN table for the CERN Internal Note’s. doctypefunctionscore CINReport_Number_Generation1 CINTest_In_Weblib2 CINTest_In_Pending3 CINTest_Cern_IP4 CINSend_Submit_Mail5 CINMake_Weblib_Record6 CINTransfer_to_Weblib7 CINPrint_Success8 CINCleaning 9
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 Parameter Meta-data The data held in the FUNDESC table for the Report_Number_Generation function functionparametertablename Report_Number_GenerationautorngenTEST Report_Number_GenerationedsrnTEST Report_Number_GenerationcounterpathAUTORN Report_Number_GenerationrnformatAUTORN
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 Runtime Parameter Values The data held in the TEST and AUTORN tables containing the parameter values for the CERN Internal Note’s TEST TABLE doctypeedsrnautorngen CINRNINTY AUTORN TABLE doctypecounterpathrnformat CININT/tlastid_ categ SL-Note- yy
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 The advantages of MESS u Configuration for new document types requires no programming. u The running actions of a document can be easily amended. u By querying the database directly we can easily obtain information about the treatment of a document type. u The new uploader has been utilised.
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 The limitations of MESS u What if a new document type requires a function not already defined? u What if the existing parameterisation is insufficient for a new object? u Maintenance requires an understanding of the database structure.
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 If only I had the time... u The only entirely completed action is SBI. The FTT action must added before the system becomes truly useful. u Development of a tool (similar to EDSadmin) to provide an interface to the meta-data in MYSQL would allow: u The configuration of new document types without the need for knowledge of the database structure. u Validation of the data entered into MYSQL.
MESS ProjectSteven Martin26th August 1999 QUESTIONS?