Progress in achieving EDPRS 2 midterm targets 1
Progress in achieving EDPRS 2 midterm targets. Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Performance 2015/16 Target Strategies Availability of critical skills for service and industrial sectors Percentage of employers satisfied with university graduates 80.2% >90% Policy recommendations from the Tracer Study findings of Graduates from Higher Education Institutions and employers’ satisfaction of graduates’ competences to be implemented 2
Progress in achieving EDPRS 2 midterm targets,Cont’d Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Performance 2015/16 Target Strategies Improved quality and learning outcomes across primary and secondary education Pupil: qualified teacher ratio (Primary) 61:1 52:1 -Continuous replacement of unqualified teachers in Primary -Fast tracking special statute for teachers and put in place the mechanism for teacher’s incentives Pupil: qualified teacher ratio (Secondary) 30:1 32:1 3
Progress in achieving EDPRS 2 midterm targets,Cont’d Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Performance 2015/16 Target Strategies Improved access to school readiness programmes by 2017/18, accompanied by expanded access to three- years of early learning for four-to-six-year olds. Percentage of children enrolled in pre-primary education programmes (i.e GER) 17.5% 23.8% -Provision of Infrastructure development, Teaching learning materials -Community awareness on the importance of pre-primary education. 4
Progress in achieving EDPRS 2 midterm targets,Cont’d Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Performance 2015/16 Target Strategies Increased equitable access to 9 years of basic education for all children and expanding access to 12 years of basic education. Transition from primary to lower secondary Transition from lower secondary to upper secondary Primary completion rate 72.6% 88.3% 61.3% 87.9% 70% 74% -The study on dropout of children at primary is in process. -To conduct a study on repetition in primary. 5
Progress in achieving EDPRS 2 midterm targets,Cont’d Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Performance 2015/16 Target Strategies Increased equitable access to education for students with special educational needs within mainstream and special schools. Number of children with disabilities enrolled in schools (Primary and Secondary) Increase SNE infrastructure development -Provision of SNE teaching and learning materials -Conduct awareness campaign on SNE 6
Progress in achieving EDPRS 2 midterm targets,Cont’d Outcome Indicator 2014/15 performance 2015/16 Target Strategies Increased equitable access to relevant, high- quality, demand-driven TVET programmes Number of Qualified TVET Trainers trained Percentage of employers satisfied with TVET graduates % % Increasing Training of Trainers in Competence Based Training (CBT) and Competence Based Assessment(CBA) Increase industrial attachment for internships. 7
Progress in achieving EDPRS 2 midterm targets,Cont’d Outcome Indicator 2014/15 Performance 2015/16 Target Strategies Strengthened performance in science, technology and innovation at all levels of education, and application of science, technology and innovation in relevant sectors of the economy Proportion of students enrolled in science and technology fields at upper secondary and tertiary education level 55.2% (Upper Sec) 34% (Tertiary) 47% 19% Increase science facilities (laboratories, teaching learning materials) 8
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