Leadership Training Camp th September – 11 th September 2010
Content Camp Details Camp Theme Verse, Mission & Vision Camp Rules Packing List Groupings Games Skit/Cheers
Camp Details Venue -MOE Changi Campsite Time -Fall in 0630 HRS (8 Sept) Date -8 th Sept to 11 th Sept
Camp Theme Verse, Mission, Vision Theme Verse: A cord of 3 is not easily broken. Mission: Less ME more WE Vision: Form a face in the crowd to the one the crowd faces.
Camp Rules Greet your seniors every time you see them. Before leaving to go anywhere, you need to report to the IC & Officer-in-charge. Movement from one place to another must be done with a sense of urgency
Camp Rules Respect one another. Listen & Obey to instructions given Talk less, listen more. 110% co-operation in ALL activities. Lights out- NO TALKING NO food & drinks. NO electronic devices.
Packing List Toiletries 1 Shampoo 1 Body Soap 1 Tooth Brush 1 Tooth Paste 1 Towel
Packing List Clothes 1 Full Uniform - Booths (polished) - Socks (Black) - Lanyard - Chevron - Cap (with cap badge) - Name tag - Belt - Havers Sack - Metal Parts 4 Sets of Shirts (home Clothes) 4 pairs of Pants (home Clothes) 2 sets of Polo t-shirt 2 pairs of school pants 4 pairs of Undergarments 1 pair of shoes 1 pair of slippers 4 pairs of socks
Packing List Others 1 Sleeping bag 1 Bible Writing Materials - Pen - Marker - Notebook - Paper Medication (Optional) Polishing Kit - Cloth - Kiwi - Brasso 1 set of Utensils - Fork - Spoon - Plate - Cup 1 Bottle ( ONLY 1.5 Litres)
Groupings C1 1.PTE Thaddius Ho 2.PTE Declan Ng 3.PTE Darren Ho 4.PTE Bremen Coyuco 5.PTE Benedict Wee 6.PTE Elson Tan 7.LCP Ryan Ling 8.CPL Joel Khoo
Groupings C2 1.PTE Caleb Tay 2.PTE Ian Chan 3.PTE Matthew Soo 4.PTE Trevor Thai 5.PTE Aaron Lim 6.LCP Gerald Lee 7.LCP Jonathan Khoo
Groupings C3 1.PTE Douglas Koh 2.PTE Daniel Yen 3.PTE Jordan Chang 4.PTE Terry Thai 5.PTE Chee Kye Foong 6.LCP Russell Leong 7.LCP Luzern Tan 8.LCP Alexander Wong 9.LCP Harrison Tan
Groupings D1 1.PTE Daniel Yen 2.PTE Ryan Koh 3.PTE Aaron Lee 4.PTE Kristofer Wong 5.PTE Ong Bang Jun 6.LCP Jeremy Yu 7.LCP Peter Lee 8.CPL Ernest Cheong 9.CPL Daniel Lim
Groupings D2 1.PTE James Quah 2.PTE Columbus Ong 3.PTE Sean Lin Wei 4.PTE Chuah Zach Ian 5.LCP Lucas Lim 6.LCP Aaron Khoo 7.LCP Samuel Lum 8.CPL Silas Yeak 9.CPL Ryan Tan
Groupings D3 1.PTE Ethan Wong 2.PTE Gregory Mah 3.PTE Ong Li-Chang 4.PTE Darren Loke 5.PTE Kenneth Lee 6.LCP Edrick Harsono 7.LCP Isaac Hong 8.LCP Brian Bai 9.CPL Arthur Liang
Games Sec 1 and sec 2s to create a game for each other. Sec 2s will play sec 1s games, and sec 1s will play sec 2s games Cannot be easy (e.g. soccer, handball, captain’s ball.etc) Has to be “OUT OF THE BOX” Sec 3s will do the same but only play amongst the other sec 3s To be planned BEFORE LTC
Skit/ Cheers Each group to prepare a skit. Based on either theme verse, mission or vision. Each group to prepare 2 cheers
How to survive LTC? 1.Reporting strength “Good (M,A,E) Sir! Rank and Name reporting strength Sir. Total strength XX Present strength XX. Explain shortfall. Awaiting next instructions Sir! (Listen) Thank you Sir!” (M,A,E) – Morning, Afternoon, Evening
How to survive LTC? 2. Officer enters room -Someone shout “ROOM!” -All are to freeze in last position until officer says “recover”
How to survive LTC? 3. Looking for Officer at their bunk -Knock Knock! -“Good (M,A,E) Sir! I, Rank and Name, am looking for Mr (Name) regarding (XXXXX)”
How to survive LTC? 4. Proper Salutation - Boy and Officer salutes. Only when the Officer brings down the salute, then can the Boy bring down the salute.
How to survive LTC? 5. Greeting Officers -IC: “Company tiam!” -Everyone at attention -IC turns at attention, “Good morning Sir!” “Permission to carry on Sir!” “Thank you Sir!” “Company at ease!” -Everyone: “12 COY!”
Leadership Training Camp 2010 GOOD LUCK!