Stone Canyon Creek at UCLA - Rediscovering a Natural Resource
for Los Angeles Basin & Bay Scientific Environmental Assessment Increase connectivity between academic researchers in a range of fields and the agencies, citizen groups and other stakeholders dedicated to restoration of Los Angeles’ natural environments. Serve as a hub to increase communication and cooperation between scientists, policy makers and the public. Raphael Sagarin, Ph.D.
Current Partners & Advisors: UCLA Institute of the Environment: Mary Nichols, Rich Ambrose, Keith Stolzenbach UCLA: Travis Longcore, Hart Walter UCLA Facilities: Jack Powalzek, Michael O’Hara Heal the Bay: Stream Team, Mark Abramson Ballona Creek Watershed Taskforce: Jessica Hall Environmental Bruins: Sean Hoppes
N 1929
N 1933
Loye Miller field note cards provided by Travis Longcore
Re-introduce the creek: into long-term planning for UCLA for educational purposes to the greater community and watershed as a natural feature in other parts of campus
Replant with native vegetation improve bank stability improve vertical habitat structure free strangled oaks and bays
RemovePreserveReplant Hedera helix, English IvyQuercus agrifolia, Coast Live OakUmbellularia californica, California Bay Vinca major, Bigleaf periwinklePlatanus racemosa, Western Sycamore Ribes speciosa, Fuscia flowering gooseberry Tropaeolum majus, NasturtiumUmbellularia californica California Bay Rubus ursinus, California Blackberry Ulmus parvifolia, Chinese ElmPrunus ilicifolia, Hollyleaf CherryJuglans californica, California walnut Washingtonia filifera, Mexican Fan PalmNassella pulchra, Purple needle grass Delairea odorata, Cape IvySalix lasiolepis, Arroyo Willow Lepidium latifolium, PepperweedAlnus rhombifolia, White Alder Bougainvillea sp.Artemisia douglasiana, Mugwort Myoporum parvifoliumBaccharis salicifolia, Mulefat Salvia spathacea, Hummingbird sage Ribes aureum Golden currant Rosa californica, California wild rose
Watershed Benefits: One of the last remaining natural creeks in Ballona Watershed Improved habitat for birds, amphibians Demonstration for UCLA’s new Sustainability Initiative Educational Opportunities & Outreach: UCLA Undergraduate Ecology University Elementary School Community based restoration Facilities best practices
Stream of Dreams? Upstream
The Future? Downstream