Wild animals
African elephants weigh up to pounds! Their trunks contain as many as different muscles. The biggest wild animals
The ostrich can grow to 9 feet tall and weigh as much as 350 pounds. Its eggs, the largest of all birds, weigh up to three pounds. These flightless birds can sprint up to 43 miles per hour.
Leopard - one of the largest animals of family cat's, concerning a sort a panther. The leopard represents large enough well-muscled body, the roundish form a head, short dense wool and a long tail. With characteristic feature which allocates all kinds of leopards their coloring consisting in the form of a lurid background, from black continuous ring-shaped stains scattered on a body is.
The chipmunk concerns a sort of rodents and family of the squirrel. Coloring of chipmunks varies from is red – brown to a gray little body with five dark strips on a back of a small animal. The chipmunk – the small animal living in basic in the North America, but lives twenty five versions and on the Eurasian continent. The smallest wild animals
The stonefish, which lives at the bottom of the ocean, is the most poisonous fish in the world. Its 13 dorsal spines release deadly venom, making it dangerous to both humans and marine life. The meanest wild animals
Be careful! Thank you!!!